Religious Education News 

Jessica Earle 

Religious Education Leader 

Thank you for a lovely term I wish you a blessed and safe Easter Holiday

Dear St Mary’s community,


As we enter this holiday time we are called to reflect on the love God has shown for us in the Sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. Love is such a complicated thing to describe - as a family I encourage you to discuss together what love means to you. Father often asks us “Who is Jesus? What is God? What is love?” and we know that Jesus is God and God is Love so let us ponder this question over the break! Father Jerome has shared with us a poignant homily which you may like to read and discuss as a family. 


Congratulations Year 5 and 6 Students - Passion Play Liturgy Holy Thursday

Our Year 5/6 students wrote for us a compelling rendition of the Passion story as a scripted play. A special congratulations to these particular students for their outstanding script work which was featured on Holy Thursday morning: Olivia T, Tara, Grace, Allegra, Zoey, Summer, Xavier, Ava Q and Lolita.


I would especially like to share with you Allegra’s work - She wrote her own Passion play inspired by the Gospel of Mark 14 & 15. It is an inspiring read you could use as a family on Good Friday in your prayers:   Passion Play by Allegra


Caritas and Project Compassion

Thank you for your contribution to Caritas this year. Please don’t forget to bring these back so we can send the money to help those in greater need.


The Joy of Easter

Whilst Term 1 ends at the climax of Lent with the solemn celebration of Holy Thursday. We look forward next term to the joy that the Easter Season brings. In particular we begin to pray for our Year 4 students as they prepare for their First Eucharist. 


God bless and have a joyful Easter,

Jes Earle