Around the School

A few weeks ago the Year 3's presented at assembly to share their writing. Here is what they shared with us:
Braxson - Over the last couple of weeks we have been learning about persuasive writing
Bella- We learnt about some persuasive devices
Anthony Li - These include emotive language, inclusive language, rhetorical questions, high modality words,
Austin - facts and evidence and exaggeration. Here are some examples of what we came up with
April- Firstly, it is so cute it’s like a squishmellow but it’s giant!
Anthony B- You should definitely buy this pig, it is only 50 dollars
Pearl- You should definitely buy my pig because it has amazing features like understanding english and many other languages. So you can ask it for a snack and it will get it for you.
Atharv- If pink is your favourite colour then a pig is the right animal for you.
Thomas- My pig is extremely juicy, who would want a plain pig without any juice? If you bought him you could eat some yummy bacon at any time you like.
Alyssa- My pig is magical, let me explain why, firstly, my pig can fly and that can help you so you don’t need to go to the shops, the pig can fly to the shops and get what you want
Athira- Pigs are so cute, especially piglets
Samuel- I know you are a farmer, so the people will buy the pig off you
Jojo- If you wait a year, it will be worth quadruple the price and it comes with a built in jet pack
Francessca- I really believe he will feel at home in your farm, he really needs a new home so please buy my pig!
Rory- My pig will do the dishes and your laundry, he will clean your room. He is an amazing pig
Amelia- It also digs to make mud so you don’t have to buy real mud
Max- You must buy this pig because he will keep you company and he is really kind. You can also teach hm tricks
Polly- He will be extra money if you want him roasted and buttered with butter and maple syrup
Jarvis- It comes with a bag of free food.
Olivia- Lastly, pigs are an amazing pet for humans, they play outside 24/7so they won’t annoy you!
Isla- In conclusion you should definitely buy my pig, who wouldn’t? It’s so cute
Daniel- Get your pig at now! Only one left in stock
Student Reflections from the Year 3 & 4 Excursion to the Shrine of Remembrance
My Shrine of Remembrance highlights were wearing war outfits and pretending we were fighting in World War 1 and 2 like we were Anzacs. There were so many outfits, hats, and equipment it was so fun.
One of the BIGGEST highlights of the Shrine was ‘The Heart’ of the Shrine. You see the Shrine of Remembrance was made for, as the name suggests, remembering all the fallen soldiers in World War 1. So many families in the war who had soldiers came to see them, but most never showed up. So all the mothers, kids, cousins, etc…came together to build a stone aka ‘The Heart’.So people who didn't have graves for their lost ones could pray there. On the stone, it says ‘’greater love hath no man.’’ One fun fact is that World War 1 was called the Great War.
We got to wear what the nurses and the soldiers wore. I got to wear a heavy hat and a gun holder. I got a photo with my friends but only with the girls. It was fun dressing up. You should go there now you get to learn about the soldiers.
I enjoyed watching the Eternal Flame. It looked so cool! I hope I can go again, with my family.
The highlight of the excursion was when we got to try on all the army clothes. Some people wore doctor's clothes and army hats.
The Shrine of Remembrance was excellent. I enjoyed learning all about every soldier who served our country in war. I have some highlights about the excursion to the Shrine of Remembrance. The first highlight was when we went to a room full of hats, clothes bags, nurse uniforms and so much more. We got to try them on and take a photo with them on. The last highlight was when we took a tour around the Shrine of Remembrance we went to the haul where they have their ceremonies.
The Shrine of Remembrance was made in 1934. It was a very long time ago. It is called the Shrine of Remembrance because it is to remember the men who died in the war. A highlight was seeing the big statue and the eternal flame which never goes out.
At the shrine, I had so much fun like seeing the Eternal Flame or standing at the very top of the Shrine but my favorite had to be learning about Simpson and his donkey because it is a very famous story that my mum and dad know. I like it because it has a donkey in it and that he saved a lot of people with the donkey it is a very nice story to know and if you don't know the story you should go find it out.
The highlight of the excursion was when we tried on the army clothes, it felt like we were real soldiers in World War 1 and World War 2, and I also found out they used donkeys to transport back in the olden days then they made cars, tanks, and helicopters.
The Shrine of Remembrance is a shrine that resembles the fallen soldiers in World War One and Two. On the outside, it has the eternal Flame that was lit on the 28th of Feb 1954 and is still burning now! It also is very beautiful. The front vu has trees that make a line and the line ends at the road. There are also balconies with an exquisite view you will never see in another place. The shrine of Remembrance also has a stone where on Anzac Day a light ray shines onto the stone. That space is also a place where ceremonies are held.
In that space, there are also pictures of the war. On the inside, it has a museum with stuff that the soldiers used for battling. It has racks for bags at the start so classes can put their bags on them. The start is very red, everything on the inside is red.
The Shrine of Remembrance is on the side of the city not unlike most big structures. On the side of The shrine of remembrance has lions on the side of it because of the tourists who paid a lot of money to support the shrine. It took seven years to build the shrine of remembrance!
Alex Kozyrev
At the Shrine of Remembrance, we saw lots of statues and a fire with fences around it.
We went to a secret room and it looked like a mini cinema. There were 2-two people, a guy named Heroson and a lady named Barbra. They work at the Shrine of Remembrance. Barbra was the person who took us around the place. We also went to another secret place where we could wear things that people wore to the army like: Jackets, Hats and other things too! The Shrine of Remembrance was a big museum about the army.
FUN FACT !!! The Shrine of Remembrance was made in 1934 on the 11 of November!
The Eternal Flame was made in 1988.
On Monday the 18th of March 2024 the 3 & 4’s went to the Shrine Of Remembrance. My
highlight is when we dressed up in clothes worn in World War 1.
I dressed up in a doctor's cloak.
On Monday we got the tram to the Shrine of Remembrance. I saw a red room that looked like a cinema. I dressed up as a pilot and it felt like I was in a war. Annoyingly war still happens.
At the Shrine of Remembrance, me and my class had a girl named Barbara who took us around the Shrine of Remembrance. We went into a secret room with hats and bags. We went to try on the hats and bag we took a photo with the accessories on. The eternal flame is a fire. The fire never stops because of the gas under. It started in 1923, a year before the shrine of remembrance was made.
The Shrine was made in 1934 the 11 November
That was so fun. I am happy that we went!
My highlight of the Shrine of Remembrance was all the paintings and photos of the dogs that sniffed for bombs during the war. I was also interested in the boat that brought all the injured people to shore. I enjoyed the excursion.
My highlight at the shrine of remembrance was when we went to the heart of the shrine. At the heart of the Shrine, there was a stone. The stone said ‘Greater love hath no man’ on it. We all listened to our tour guide, and then we said lest we forget.
On Monday Year 3’s and 4’s went on an excursion to the Shrine of Remembrance. My favourite highlight was the gallery of the First and Second World Wars.
On Monday the 18th of March 2024 we went on an excursion to the Shrine of Remembrance, it was a place where people come to explore World War 1. Year 4’s went on a tram with the year 3’s. There was a guide guiding us called Barbra, she was guiding us through the weapons and clothing, we could dress up in war clothes, and I was wearing a coat that meant I helped people who were sick, and there was an eternal flame it means it will have the flame forever, this place was so fun and interesting. I love this place.