Admin Updates 

Miss Erica - Administration & Finance 

Miss Kat - Office Assistant 


Phone 9510 7420 or email

(Please notify the school by 9:30am)



Thursday 7th March

Friday 8th March

Friday 26th April

Friday 9th August

Monday 4th November

Friday 29th November

(Staff Professional Learning)  



If any of your personal details change (address, mobile number etc.), please let the school office know as soon as possible by email to 


TERM 2 WINTER UNIFORM - Commences Monday 29th April

As the weather cools we will be transitioning towards Winter Uniform. In the first fortnight of term students may wear either uniform with the exception of School Photos (see below). Full winter uniform is to be worn from Monday 29th April. The Second Hand Uniform Store will be open next term, please check the P&F page and calendar page for dates.


SCHOOL PHOTO DAY - Tuesday 16th April

We ask that the students wear their correct school SUMMER UNIFORM – no coloured ribbons or socks.  Girls navy socks and boys grey socks are the uniform colour.  Family portrait are available on the day.  Please place your order online before the day.  

Details are: and enter code: VQZ BAX AXP

If you are unable to order online, please collect a order envelope from the office.


CATHOLIC SECONDARY ENROLMENT DATES for students starting Year 7 in 2026

Monday 29 January 2024 – Applications will open for students commencing Year 7 in 2026.  

Friday 16 August 2024 – Applications will close. 

Friday 18 October 2024 – Offers will be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants. 

Friday 8 November 2024 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by the catholic secondary school.


2024 Australian Early Development Census