From the Principal 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari

Dear Families


Whilst the Term has flown past and it feels unbelievable that we are finishing Term 1 today, so much has been achieved, experienced, learnt with lots of laughter and fun along the way. I am currently conducting interviews for our Prep 2025 class and when I ask the families why they have chosen our school the answer is always; community and the feel of the school. For these reasons St Mary’s Primary School is the unique place that it is. Our close knit community working together to give our students the best that we can, is evident in all that we do.


I would like to thank Louisa and her P & F team for their tireless work in organising Welcome Drinks at the start of Term to our amazing Easter Egg Raffles today. The P & F’s  energy and enthusiasm is extraordinary.  As is the team of workers on our landscaping garden. Whilst they will not want to be publicly named, a huge thank you to those families, children and staff who attended the working bees in varying capacities. Thank you to those families who have worked during the day, afternoon or evening to chip away at the project. We will all be so proud of our new garden beds when they are in. 


St Patrick’s Day Excursion 

We felt really important representing St Mary’s Primary School at the St Patrick’s Day Mass. Staff and students had come from as far as Geelong and there were even schools who couldn’t make it, streaming the Mass from their classes. There were lots of schools represented at the Cathedral and this was obvious when the procession of the school banners made their way around the whole Cathedral. Pia and Olivia held the St Mary’s banner steady the whole way. The solo singers, choir and musicians sounded excellent. There was even a musician playing the bagpipes.


It was really exciting seeing so many priests celebrating Mass together. We had a side view of the altar and could see most of the comings and goings. We also could look at one of the TV screens set up nearby. We all got a booklet so we could follow along. St Patrick’s Cathedral reminded us of our St Mary’s Church but on a much bigger scale! Did you know the same architect designed both churches? We noticed lots of statues, angels and stained glass windows.


We loved the  concert in the Treasury Gardens after Mass. Secondary school bands had us dancing to Taylor Swift songs and some other favourites. We stuck together and made our way safely back to Parliament station and back to school right on time for the second break! 


A very big thank you to Mrs Ferrari and Danni (Ava’s mum) for taking us on this amazing day. We feel very grateful to have experienced this day of celebration.


By Summer-Technology Leader, Hikaru- Wellbeing Leader, Olive, Pia- Faith and Social Justice Leader and Poppy, Ava, Iggy, Ava - School Community Leaders.


Our Super Stars 

We love it when families share their celebrations with us. Congratulations to these super stars! 


Audrey won three medals at her Little Athletics Carnival 








Harvey loved playing at the MCG with AusKick. 


Lisa from Prep gave me a beautiful ‘pysanka’ from the Ukriane. ‘Pysanka’, means an egg ornament that has been hand painted. something was being painted with some ornament. It is beautiful and I love looking at it in my office.



Principal Conference - think, lead, engage with strength

Last week I had the most wonderful and highly engaging conference. Gathered together with approximately three hundred Catholic Primary principals across Victoria was both an affirming and inspiring experience. To hear the stories and contexts of other school communities, I always bring ‘home’ several ideas. The caliber of speakers was excellent and I am still processing their stories of strength. Adam Spencer was our host for the conference. Our speakers consisted of Ashley Fell, a social researcher sharing information about Generation Alpha with us and the implications for Learning and Teaching. Craig Foster, Saroo Brierley (of Lion fame) and Jelena Dockic spoke of their stories, their vulnerabilities and how they use their experiences to support others. We also had two indigenous presenters; Mitch Tambo and Theresa Ardler. We prayed together at Mass and before each session and of course had lots of fun at the end of each day. I love learning from others and am always on the lookout to make our great school even better. I have lots of reading to do these holidays to learn more about these presenters and what we can learn from them. 


Long Service Leave 

Finally I am very excited as my husband and I fly out tomorrow to meet our daughter  in Istanbul. She is teaching in London this year and we have missed her very much. From Turkey we are travelling to Italy and the UK. I am taking Long Service Leave for the first four weeks of next Term. Anthony Speranza will be Acting Principal and I know we are all in good hands with him at the helm. I know he will be supported by Father Jerome and all the staff. I hope to share some photos with him and perhaps he can put them in the next newsletters. 


Have a wonderful Easter, especially Sunday when we celebrate the good news that Jesus has risen. 


Take care and wishing God's blessings and peace upon each of you. 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari