Junior School Notices

Assembly Awards
Award recipients Week 7
Cross Country
Our Cross Country will be held this Wednesday at School, run on a track which takes in the full campus. Students have been and will continue to practise on the track before Wednesday. Spectators are welcome to come and watch. Please bring a hat as spectating will occur from the grass bank on the oval, where there is limited shade. The marquees are a designated student-only area. Please note the start times list on the Hub, are a guide only, if we are running ahead of schedule, we will not wait for the allocated time slot, the races will continue to run as we are ready.
Experience Day: Year 6 to Year 7: Friday 22nd March
The students will attend school as normal and will be taken directly to the library at 9.15am. Parents are invited to a parents’ welcome at 9.30am in the Secondary Library. Morning tea will be served at the conclusion of the welcome at 10.15am. Morning tea and lunch will be provided for students. Casual clothes to be worn. If students are departing via bus or Kiss and Drop with their siblings, they can leave at 3pm, otherwise the activities will conclude at 3:15pm.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Held in Week 9 on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th March from 3:30pm - 6:30pm. Interview time slots are 15 minutes in length. Bookings will open on Tuesday morning via the Parent Portal on the HUB. and will close on Sunday at 5pm. No bookings will be taken after this time. Please make this a priority to spend a few minutes catching up with your child's class teacher. If you are booking for multiple children, please do not book back to back appointments, otherwise we will not be able to keep to schedule.
Easter Competition
We will host an Easter Guessing Competition for students in P-Yr 6, to be drawn on the final
Thursday before Easter - 28th March. Tickets will be on sale in Week 9, the week of the raffle and are $1 each, with a maximum $20 spend. In previous years, we have asked families to donate prizes, however, this year the P & F has generously donated the prizes.
Easter Week
The Easter week, is full of lovely events, please mark these dates in your diary.
- Infants Easter Hat Parade: 10am, WCC Hall, Wednesday 27th March
- JS Easter Service, 9:15am, WCC Hall, Thursday 28th March
Infants Literacy Night
Held on Wednesday 10th April, in the Infants Classrooms, parents of Prep to Year 2 students are urged to prioritise this night as an opportunity to hear how literacy is taught in Infants and how you can support your child at home. more details to come.
Little Learners Club
Every Friday during the term. This is a wonderful way for students transitioning to Prep or Kinder in 2025 to get to know the school environment, meet some new friends and have an enriching play experience in school setting. Children who are ages 3-5 can attend, along with their siblings and parents stay for the duration. 10:30am - 11:30am. Bring your own morning tea to have at the conclusion.
ESTEEMS KIDS: After School Care
Please contact William Wong on 0410 841 628 or info@esteemkidsgroup.com.au to book. Students must be booked in by midday, for on the day bookings.
Dates Coming Up:
- Monday 25th March – Parent Teacher Interviews
- Tuesday 26th March – Parent Teacher Interviews
- Friday 29th March – Monday 1st April – Easter Long Weekend
- Thursday 4th April - Yr 5/6 selected teams to Da Vinci Decathlon in Armidale
- Monday 8th - Friday 12th April - Year 6 to Canberra for the week
- Wednesday 10th April - Infants (P-2) Literacy Night
- Saturday 13th April - Sunday 28th April: School Holidays
- Thursday 25th April - ANZAC Day March, Peel Street, Tamworth
- Monday 29th April - Term 2 Commences
Contacting the Junior School
The easiest way to contact the Junior School is via email or phone juniorschool@calrossy.nsw.edu.au or 5776 5100 and press #2.
Please check the Junior School Notices on the HUB, they are updated by Sunday evening each week. https://thehub.calrossy.nsw.edu.au/homepage/3243
Garden Club success at Tamworth Show
The Calrossy Junior School would like to share with you the success the Garden Club had at the recent Tamworth Show.
Calrossy Junior School placed;
- First in School Garden Produce
- First in School Cornucopia
- Second in the School Photo Challenge
- Third in the School Video challenge
- In the Pantry Section, first in Pickles
- In the Pantry Section, Second in Jam of any variety.
Here are some photos of our results.
We are very proud of our results and that we support our local Show.