Message from the Chaplain

Rev Mark Rundle

The Forgiveness Response…


Less than a couple of weeks, and Easter will be upon us again! Most people, if they know anything about the Christian faith, are aware of one of Easter’s defining events: the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross, just outside Jerusalem.  However, though people know the crucifixion happened, I suspect most of them aren’t aware of the words that were actually said during the crucifixion – and they definitely didn’t include a communal singalong of ‘Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life’ (as the Monty Python comedians included in one of their films)!  

Here are a few of those words, as recorded in the 23rd chapter of Luke’s Gospel.  They may surprise you…


In the throes of an agonising death, Jesus’ words to those who accused, convicted & crucified him are some of the most amazing ones you’ll find in the Bible: 

‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’  


If anyone deserved to take revenge at this point, it’s Jesus!  He was falsely arrested and set up.  He has endured a mockery of a trial, listening to complete strangers make up lies about him.  He’s been mocked and abused; flogged to within an inch of his life; had a crown of thorns pressed into his head; and been hoisted into the air on a wooden cross – all for no good reason.  Compared to how other people in history (or even ourselves) have reacted when they’ve been wrongly accused of things, these words of the One who is King of the universe couldn’t be more different:

‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’

Jesus isn’t there to respond with revenge; He’s there to respond with forgiveness.


And there is one man there who sees it all clearly.  Like Jesus, he’s on a cross; however, unlike Jesus, he can’t protest his innocence – and he knows it.  He says to his fellow criminal: ‘We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve.  But this man has done nothing wrong.’

Then this unnamed criminal reaches out for the forgiveness that Jesus is offering: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom!’

And Jesus’ words affirm that he has what he seeks: ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.’


The message of Easter is that for anyone who sees the truth of their own need for forgiveness, and the reality of Jesus’ offer, the words of Jesus can be as true for them today, as they were for that nameless man…


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All are welcome to the next meeting of the Calrossy Christian Fellowship: a time for Calrossy parents & friends to pray together for our community, people and events!


We meet from 9.00am-9.30am, at 130 Brisbane Street. Arrive any time from 8.30am.  

(0-5’s are welcome too!)

Please bring along others you know who may like to join us in praying for the

 Calrossy community.