Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill - Middle Sub School Leader


Welcome back to Term 2! I hope you have settled back into the routines of early mornings, lunch boxes and 3pm pick ups, all the while navigating day to day home life and careers. I can certainly attest to the wonderful job students have done in getting back into school after a substantial break. Their adaptability has really shone through this term.

We have swimming week fast approaching. From 6th May students will be attending swimming every day for the week. We will definitely have some tired bodies by the end of it, but plenty of fun will be had. If you would like to attend with your child to provide support and be an encouraging familiar face, please let your child’s classroom teacher know.


We also have a number of other excursions and activities happening this term, as well as lots of learning happening in and out of classrooms! Be sure to check out Seesaw to see some photographs that showcase students' smiley faces participating in these. 

Assemblies will continue to be filmed fortnightly in the Middle Sub School. These too can be accessed via Seesaw and are a great way to gain insight into some of the celebrations that are occurring in rooms.


The Premiers’ Reading Challenge is currently underway. Your child will have come home last week with more information relating to this which includes a login and password for them to utilise and start logging books read.

SSG’S will be coming up shortly, and more information as to how to book these in will be available very soon.


As always, please utilise the communication book to share key pieces of information with your child’s classroom team. I hope the next few weeks are kind to you, and go swimmingly! 









 The students in Room 14 have been enjoying PE class, puzzles, art and Poppy making  this week