Facilities News

Dr Denise Clarke Frances Hansen
Capital Works Manager Facilities Manager
Capital Works
The Yaluk Building has now received an occupancy certificate, so the building is safe for use. However, there are still some outstanding items that need to be completed by the builders which we anticipate will be fixed in the next couple of weeks. A new cleaning contract for the additional space will be organised by the VSBA and as soon as that is in place we hope to start using the building.
Two classrooms are ready and furniture has been ordered we are now waiting patiently for delivery. The third classroom is waiting for the teaching booths to be installed. Each classroom has been fitted out with an interactive TV which can also be used as a whiteboard. One wall in each room is covered with black material so visuals can be displayed easily.
Yaluk Tours:
The Student Leadership Group were given the first tour of the building last week. The students were so excited walking through all the spaces. All classes of the Secondary sub school have been for a tour and today the middle sub school students have their turn.
Next week primary students will have a tour.
Parents are invited to visit the building next Friday afternoon 3rd May from 2.00 PM until 4.30 PM. You can pick up your children from school and take them on the tour with you and then go home. Entry to the building will be from the staff carpark gate. Everyone is welcome.
Schools Upgrade Grant
As mentioned in the Principals article we have been successful in being given a Federal Government Schools Upgrade Grant. The key expenditure will be replacing the easily climbed cyclone wire external fencing with pool fencing which will not only beautify the school but will provide a greater challenge to the champion climbers in the school. There will be some infrastructure drainage works in two of the playgrounds so that when the artificial grass is replaced we should not have trouble with flooding on days of torrential rain. The outdoor gym will be replaced and relocated.
Facilities News
A lot was achieved during the term break.
The Planned Maintenance Program completed:
- Restumping the Administration office area.
- Replacement of the water tank on Main building.
- Asbestos removal in Secondary classrooms.
- Roof and guttering repairs Rm 20-23.
Holiday works:
- Trees were trimmed and one removed as per arborists report.
- Repairs made to doors and ramps around the school.
- Garden maintenance was completed.