Principal's News

Dear Families,
We’re off to a fantastic start for Term 4, and the children have settled back into school routines seamlessly, already engaging in learning experiences and fun. It’s always wonderful to see their enthusiasm as they reconnect with friends and teachers after a break.
A highlight of the week was the Prep excursion to the Clocktower Theatre in Moonee Ponds. The children had an amazing time participating in the ‘Pevan and Sarah' performance, sharing laughs, and enjoying a unique learning experience outside the classroom. Excursions like these not only entertain the children but also help develop their social and observational skills.
The week also marked the start of the Prep’s swimming program at VU Swimming Centre. Our young swimmers splashed into their first lesson with excitement and confidence. Over the coming weeks, we’ll watch their skills grow as they learn essential techniques while having fun in the water.
We welcome Christine back today as she returns from Long Service Leave and by all accounts, it has been a fabulous time away. We can’t wait to hear her stories and catch up on her news.
We’re thrilled with how smoothly the first week has gone and are excited about all the learning and activities that Term 4 has in store. Stay tuned for more updates and photos from our upcoming adventures!
Holy Rosary Day Celebrations
This week we celebrate Holy Rosary Day with a series of events beginning today with an incursion featuring Professor Bunsen in his Science Show as well as other Holy Rosary focused activities in classrooms. Tomorrow, Tuesday 15 October at 9:00am, we will gather in the church to celebrate a prayer service followed by the presentation of the 2024 Mercy Spirit Awards. We welcome families to join us in the church.
Families are invited to attend the parish celebration of the Feast of the Holy Rosary on Sunday 27 October at 10:30am with a Mass officiated by Bishop Martin Ashe, followed by morning tea in the Holy Rosary Hall. The school choir will perform our School song, The Holy Rosary Way during Mass.
It would be great to have as many of our school families present as possible. The Parish Board members are busy preparing for the Mass and morning tea and are excited about sharing in this celebration with us all.
New Literacy Purchases Teaching Reading Systematically
In line with MACS Vision For Instruction strategy, we have continued to purchase additional texts from Decodables Readers Australia to support our teaching of reading, which involves:
• phonemic awareness – understanding that speech is made up of words and sounds
• phonics – knowledge of the letter–sound relationships and the ability to use these relationships to decode words
• fluency – ability to read accurately and quickly to derive meaning from text
• vocabulary – understanding word meanings in isolation and in context
• comprehension – ability to understand and derive meaning from text.
This systematic approach (as shown below) supports children to become successful readers as they crack the alphabetic code through a systematic synthetic phonics approach. Decodable readers are the conduit between phonics and reading. Children require these types of books to build the necessary skills so they become proficient readers and can access opportunities for skilled reading. We began purchasing these resources in 2021 and each year, added to the program.
Ongoing School Updates
Over the school holidays we had a number of updates made around the school. Our junior and senior classrooms received new bag boxes. This has improved the functionality and flow of the corridors and has made the transitions for students much easier. The playground water bubblers were also replaced. The new taps are a high quality, durable design with a more hygienic nozzle than the previous model.
Christmas Carols
Carols will be held on Wednesday 4 December, from 9:30-11am in the school yard. Join us for a joyful celebration filled with fun and Christmas cheer! This festive event is a highlight of our school calendar, and we look forward to celebrating with you.
Welcome Gemma Tyrrell
Gemma joins our team after a successful teaching placement last term. She replaces Phuong who is on LSL and will also work as a tutor in Years 1-4. She has already developed working relationships with our staff and kids so her transition has been seamless. Welcome Gemma!
Swaddle Drive
Thank You to the families who supported the Mercy Hospital’s Swaddle Drive. These will be presented to the Neonatal Nurses in due course. The donation hamper has a generous selection of swaddles which enable babies in the neonatal unit to feel snug, safe and loved.
Gower Street Crossing
Road safety is best taught through example, and children look to trusted adults to guide them. As parents and guardians, it's crucial we adhere to all road laws, especially during school drop-off and pick-up times. This includes using the school crossing to ensure a safe path for everyone and parking only in designated bays to avoid congestion or accidents. Additionally, performing U-turns in Gower Street is dangerous and prohibited, as it puts both drivers and pedestrians at risk. We kindly remind parents to respect all traffic signs, including the disabled parking bay outside the church, which is reserved for those who genuinely need it. By following these rules, we can model responsible road behaviour for our children, ensuring their safety and fostering respect for the community. Let's work together to create a safer environment for everyone!
Uniform Expectations
Being Term 4, children should now be wearing Summer uniforms, both academic and sport. A reminder to put your child's name on all their uniform pieces including hats and drink bottles. As of this week hats are compulsory for children if they wish to play on the yard. Those who do not have a hat will be asked to sit under the library or in the hall.
Children must wear for PE lessons from today. If a child does not have their school hat for PE, they will need to sit out in the shade and will not participate. Parents will receive an email notification if this occurs. Please note that only school hats are acceptable—baseball caps are not allowed. Should children require any uniform pieces, including hats, they can be purchased from Noone online or instore:
It is also recommended that the children also use sunscreen as a sunsmart measure. We ask that your child learns to independently apply this for themselves. We have communal bottles of sunscreen around the school and in classrooms however, parents may like to supply their own.
Late last term, families were invited to participate in a school improvement survey (MACSSIS) sent via Orima. We sincerely thank the 38 families (21% of our community) who took the time to complete it and share their valuable feedback. The data gathered will help guide future planning for our school. As an incentive, we asked parents to send confirmation of survey completion for a chance to enter a lucky draw. We are excited to announce that the winner is Kim. Congratulations! Enjoy your $150 Amazon voucher.
Wishing everyone a great week ahead!