Explaining Our Newsletter:

This is just a quick reminder and explanation about how our newsletter works.
One of the most important things to know is that you can choose what language you read it in. At the bottom of the page is a drop-down box that lets you choose what language to read this newsletter in. There are 111 languages currently available to select from, ranging from Afrikaans at the start, to Maori in the middle, and Zulu at the end.
This will hopefully help our very diverse community to be able to access our newsletter in their own languages and thus be fully informed about what is happening in our school.
Each newsletter is quite comprehensive - others might call them long. The pages are ordered according to importance and relevance though, so only read what interests you.
Every second week we have a page called 'The Green Page.' There is a good reason we include this focus once a fortnight. Our school's Vision is
" Ā Tātou Tamariki, Ō Tātou Whenua, Ka Ora te Āpōpō."
"Our Children, Our Land, For Our Future."
This connects to a really beautiful concept in te ao Maori that refers to an understanding that people and the environment are interconnected and dependent on each other’s care to thrive.
We also have a whakatauki - a treasured saying - that connects to this:
Toitu te Marae a Tane-Mahuta
Toitu te Marae a Tangaroa
Toitu te Tangata
If the land is well and the sea is well, the people will thrive.
The Green Page focuses on ways we can care for our planet, ourselves and each other - as per our Vision and Whakatauki.