Wellbeing News

This term the student voice committee have been working hard to collect data around how well students know and understand the SMDP Ways of Working (WOWs). It has been interesting data to collect and see which of the WOWs are really understood by all students and which are a bit harder to remember.
The student voice committee is now in the process of analyzing the data and making some recommendations for our school on how we can improve so that all students confidently know and understand the Ways of Working moving forward.
We know that establishing clear and predictable expectations and routines helps embed a classroom culture that maximizes the conditions for learning and supports students to feel connected and safe in their environment.
As with all other areas of the curriculum, the knowledge and skills around behaviour needs to be explicitly taught and explored with students, as well as developing their ability to self regulate and communicate their needs. We look forward to working with the student voice committee to hear their feedback and work with them on how we can improve the way students know and use the WOWs everyday.
In other news, it has been lovely to welcome some of our Preps for 2025 to the Storytime sessions on Fridays. Our wonderful Year Five students are loving reading picture story books to the new Preps and sharing with them some of the highlights of being a student at SMDP. It’s also a great opportunity for new parents to meet each other. Our next session is on Friday 8th November @9:15 - 9:45 am. We would love to see you there!
Wellbeing Team
Kathy Blythe
Wellbeing Leader
Chiara Genovese
Learning Diversity Leader
Simone Whitehead
Family Engagement Leader