Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients
Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.
- Collaboration
- Curiosity
- Creativity
- Reflection
- Motivation
- Resilience
On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.
We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.
Week 2 | ||
PA | Finn | For challenging yourself during Writing on Friday! You wrote a fantastic story with detailed drawings and showed skills of a good writer by sounding out and using proper punctuation. You showed resilience when you challenged yourself to add more detail to your story. Well done! |
PN | Banni | For being a collaborative learner who always shares her knowledge and helps others succeed. Baani is always looking out for her classmates and is always ready to lend a helping hand. After completing her own work, she uses her initiative and assists others, ensuring they feel successful too. What a wonderful example of St Martin’s spirit, Banni. |
1/2C | Emanuel | For being a motivated learner. You've been working hard to use the dotted thirds correctly, and your determination is paying off. Your amazing narrative about a Bionic Alien traveling to Earth, complete with an interesting problem, was creative and engaging. Keep up the fantastic work Emanuel—you're becoming a writing superstar! 🌟 |
1/2S | Riyaan | Congratulations, Riyaan! 🌟 This week's Learning Power Award goes to you for being a motivated learner in writing. You showed great independence by researching facts about India, then rewording them in your own words. Your piece was filled with fascinating information, and you presented it with beautiful handwriting. Well done, Riyaan—keep up the fantastic work! 👏 |
1/2A | Ashi | For being such a resilient learner. You are consistently making choices that will benefit your learning and empower you to achieve your goals. You request to extend yourself and seek guidance and support where needed. Ashi is an example to the whole class and a joy to teach. Well done Ashi! |
3/4L | Ronicca | For being a resilient and respectful learner at swimming this Term! Ronicca showed consistency in her ability to participate in group challenges and encourage others whilst also pushing herself to improve her swimming skills. Well done Ronicca! |
3/4O | Mackenzie | For being a resilient and creative learner in maths last week! Mackenzie was determined to find an efficient strategy to use when solving multiplication problems, and through trial and error she used her place value knowledge to solve multiples of 7 and 9. Keep driving your learning Mackenzie! Well done. |
3/4S | Jill | For being a reflective learner who takes her role as a student voice committee member seriously. She carefully thinks about different opinions and always aims to represent her classmates fairly. Jill’s thoughtful approach helps make sure everyone’s voice is heard. |
5/6N | Oliver | For being a curious learner who was eager to explore reasons to save an endangered environment. You have shown a passion for learning about Antarctica by completing your persuasive text structure. Well done, Oliver - I am looking forward to reading your persuasive text about Antarctica. |
5/6K | Lucas Ng | For being a motivated learner in Writing, not just this week but all semester! You have been diligently using all` resources available to support yourself, which is evident in the quality of writing you are producing. Your persuasive text plan includes convincing reasons and fascinating facts. I can’t wait to read your final piece. Keep up the wonderful work! |
5/6S | Fabian | For being a resilient learner. You approach learning tasks and school activities with a positive attitude and never give up. You are open to exploring different ways to do things. An example of this is working out some challenging financial problems in Maths. You are invested in your learning and take responsibility for the choices you make. Well done Fabian! |
Stella (Minecraft Club) | Priam | For being a collaborative learner who displayed patience and showed the traits of a team player when he was interrupted during Minecraft Club to solve a peer’s tech problem before going back to his game. |
Week 3 | ||
PA | Isabelle | for being so curious about Money during Maths last week! You asked great questions to investigate different ways to make the same amount of money using different Australian coins and notes. Keep on being an inquisitive learner! |
PN | Heidi | For being a reflective learner who strives to achieve her very best. Heidi pays attention to every new letter sound we learn and thinks about how she can use sounds to build words and write interesting narratives. What a powerful mindset you are building, Heidi. |
1/2C | Elsie | For being a resilient learner, by coming to school every day with a smile on your face and not letting challenges get to you. No matter what happens, you’ve been able to move on quickly and keep doing your best. On Friday, you also showed a lovely act of kindness by making someone in our class feel welcome and happy. Your kindness and positive attitude make a big difference! Thank you for always doing your best—and a little bit more. We are so lucky to have such a thoughtful and kind member in our class. Keep up the amazing work, Elsie! |
1/2S | Shiloh | Congratulations, Shiloh! 🌟 This week's Learning Power Award goes to you for being a collaborative learner who consistently included others in group activities. She is always kind in her interactions and maintains a positive attitude that supports her classmates. Shiloh's friendly and helpful nature helps create a welcoming environment for everyone. |
1/2A | Joyce | For being a curious learner. During our rich inquiry immersion you blew us away with your knowledge of plants and herbs, you didn't get distracted amongst the unstructured activities but remained a curious and engaged learner throughout. Your maturity and eagerness to keep learning will continue to support you as we prepare for grade 3 next year! Well done Joyce! |
3/4L | Harsh | For being a collaborative learner who always does his best to include all voices during small groups and collaborative tasks. Harsh has an inclusive attitude towards others, always taking the opportunity to lift up any group he is a part of. Well done Harsh! |
3/4O | Ayaan | For being a curious and motivated learner in maths last week. Ayaan drove his learning by asking questions and trying new strategies to solve word problems. As a result, Ayaan has shown of learning growth in multiplication and division. Keep it up Ayaan! |
3/4S | Bless | For being a resilient learner and reader. Bless approaches every challenge with determination, and her confidence in reading aloud has grown. Well done, Bless— your hard work is really paying off! |
5/6N | Charit | For being a resilient and respectful learner, you have been making choices and responding to feedback that will benefit your learning. You consider others and can see things from different perspectives.You are kind and thoughtful towards your peers. Thanks for being a role model to others.keep up the great work Charit! |
5/6K | Freya | For being a motivated learner. You have dived into our latest Grammar in Context unit, with the same enthusiasm that you have for all of our learning this year. You demonstrated excellent research skills, finding interesting facts. You used these to create detailed, and factual persuasive points for why we should save the Himalayas! Keep driving your learning Freya! You set an excellent example for your peers. |
5/6S | Mila | For being a collaborative learner, who did an amazing job planning our fun Green Week activities. You worked well with Julie and Jay to organise everything and proved to be a positive role model in demonstrating how to live more sustainably. Fantastic green effort Mila! |