Learning and Teaching News

St Martin's is buzzing with learning at the moment. Everywhere you look, students and teachers are engaged in meaningful learning experiences.
Prep students were spotted in the outside learning environment using natural objects (rocks, stones, sand, leaves etc) to tell their stories and listen to the stories of their peers. This further enhances their learning about the role of storytelling in Indigenous culture.
The Year One and Two students are totally engrossed in watching their seeds germinate and grow into seedlings and hopefully, healthy plants. They have established a hothouse to fast track the growing process and are observing, measuring and nurturing their plants.
The Year Three/Fours and putting their business and craft skills together and participating in workshops that involve jewellery making, ornament sewing, wreath construction and gift jars.
Next door, the Year Five/Six classes are comparing and contrasting the challenges to, and benefits of, the Great Barrier Reef and the Amazon Rainforest.
Students and teachers are certainly engaging with learning at school with energy and excitement.
Teachers are determined to ensure we are 'finishing strong' in the last six weeks of the school year.
We will be keeping our teaching going right to the end of the year and we expect our learners to maintain their academic and behavioural momentum.
You can support your child to do this by:
- Continuing to ask about their learning - what did you learn today that you didn't know yesterday? What did you practice today that is now in your memory? How did you learn best today? Where were you on the Engagement Continuum today? What did that look like?
- Maintain routines including reading at home every day, expectations about before and after school routines and a consistent bedtime routine
- Communicate with your child's teacher if you are taking them out of school before the end of the year
- Keep Christmas gifts and cards at home until the last week of school
Library Borrowing
Could all students return any library books they have borrowed by Tuesday December 3rd so we can undertake our end of year stock take?
Reporting and Learning Conversations
Student reports will be emailed to families on Monday December 9th.
After reading the Semester Two report, if you require further information, please contact your child's teacher directly to arrange a parent/teacher conversation.
These meetings will be held on request by either parent or teacher, and by appointment on Thursday 12th December between 3:45pm and 5pm.
Elise Coghlan
Co-Deputy Principal | Literacy & Numeracy Leader | Visible Learning Leader
Denise Kelly
Co-Deputy Principal |
Learning & Teaching Leader