Respectful Relationship News

Students across all year levels continue to participate in weekly Respectful Relationship lessons. The focus for Term 4 is to revisit topics covered throughout Terms 1,2, and 3. 

At Mill Park Heights Primary School all classes from F-6 cover and learn about the Respectful Relationship Topics 1-6 which include:

-Topic 1: Emotional Literacy

-Topic 2: Personal Strengths

-Topic 3: Positive Coping

-Topic 4: Problem Solving

-Topic 5: Stress Management

-Topic 6: Help-Seeking


Don't forget at our week 5 Assembly we welcome back Liz Sleeth from DPV Health to present Mill Park Heights Primary School with the final 2 banners as part of Respectful Relationships. We currently have the first 2 banners displayed on the front fence of the school titled:

-Be Strong, Be Kind, Be You

-Respect, Include, Accept