Changes to HALT Accreditation
NESA have revised the requirements for Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) accreditation, bringing NSW in-line with the national framework for the HALT certification.
The changes reduce teachers’ workload by significantly reducing the amount of evidence required, while maintaining the rigour of HALT accreditation.
Under the revised policy:
- Teachers only need to submit 2 modules of evidence instead of 3, and demonstrate 20 Standard Descriptors instead of 37.
- There are more flexible ways for HALT applicants to demonstrate the professional standards.
- Maintaining HALT accreditation is now easier. Instead of submitting a lengthy report, Principals/service directors now simply verify the teacher’s HALT practice at the end of their maintenance period.
This video explains the full changes to the accreditation. Please contact Millie Woolaston if you would like further information regarding the HALT Accreditation process.
Update etams
Please update your details in your etams account. Please ensure you are attached to your current school and have the correct allocation (full-time/part-time). For further information please see use this link.