Curriculum News

Curriculum Matters - Term 4
Curriculum Reviews -
The Term 4 Curriculum Review schedule will be as follows -
ES1/S1 Science & Technology (19th October) - documentation only
Stage 4 Science (25th October) - documentation only
Stage 6 TAS (15th November) - documentation only
7 - 12 TAS
Date: 19th November, 2024
Venue: ACSO, Armidale
Registration closes: 12th November, 2024
Curriculum Reform Working Party Meetings -
K - 6 HSIE
Date: Wednesday 30th October
Venue: Tamworth Hub
Date: Wednesday 20th November
Venue: Tamworth Hub
K - 6 Science
Date: Wednesday 4th December
Venue: ACSO, Armidale
Road Safety
A number of revised Fact Sheets have been published by Transport NSW.
These may be handy for your planning and communication with parents-
Keeping children safe in the road environment
- Hold your child's hand (PDF, 387.8 KB)
- Walking safely together to and from school (PDF, 189.45 KB)
- Children’s and supervised crossings (PDF, 935.83 KB)
- 40km/h school zones (PDF, 1.11 MB)
- Driving safely near school buses (PDF, 260.33 KB)
- Driving and parking safely near schools (PDF, 913.42 KB)
- Keep your child safe in and out of vehicles (PDF, 340 KB)
- Keeping your child safe when driving to and from school (PDF, 878.15 KB)
- Wearing helmets and riding safely (PDF, 230.94 KB)
- Helping your child around buses (PDF, 534.94 KB)
- Seatbelt safety on the bus - primary students (PDF, 678.57 KB)
- Seatbelt safety on the bus - secondary students (PDF, 914.73 KB)