From the Principal

Celebrating World Teachers Day at Lalor East PS
Friday 25 October was World Teachers' Day. This was a chance for our community to say thank you to the teaching staff for everything they do to support and educate our students and help them to grow into incredible adults. I know that all the teachers at LEPS do many, many hours outside regular school hours to plan exciting and stimulating lessons for our students. I know many staff will also purchase items during weekends and holidays that they think the children will love. Being a teacher is definitely not the 9:00am to 3:30pm job people often think it is.
It was lovely to have so many children and families make cards and share delicious treats with the staff. It definitely wasn't expected but very much appreciated by the staff.
On Monday at assembly, we had a chance as a whole school to celebrate the teachers by awarding them with a special certificate designed by members of the Cyber Action Team and present them with a movie voucher. Thanks to Crystal, Rachel, Tina and Amanda, four of our fabulous School Council parent members, for being on hand to present the vouchers to the teachers.
Spooky Dress Up/House Sports
We have a busy rest of week with the JSC Spooky Dress Up day scheduled for Wednesday 30 October and House Sports on Thursday 31 October.
JSC are asking for a gold coin donation for students who dress up in spooky clothes or come out of uniform. All money raised will go towards their mural project which is due to start mid-November. I am sure we will have lots of wonderful photos to share in the next Jumbunna as we have some talented parents who can make regular clothes look like a fabulous costume!
We hope lots of families can join us for our annual House Sports event. The students will be participating in a range of different activities on the day including tabloid activities, running races, tug of war and then the awards ceremony. You are welcome to come for part of the day or the whole day depending on your schedule.
Children can come dressed in their house colour: red, blue, yellow or green. Please make sure all outfits are SunSmart as we will be outside for most of the day. There is no cost for this event.
Please remember to sign in at the office and be ready to cheer for ALL the children not just your own. Part of House Sports Day is teaching the children the importance of cheering each other on even if we are in different teams.
Long weekend
There is no school for students on Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 November which means it will be a loooooong weekend for everyone. I think we may need it after a busy week this week! Hopefully, the weather will be kind and we can all spend lots of time outside and away from devices.
Linda Richards