Year Three - Spotlight on Learning

Ephesus Community

Dear Families, 


It was so lovely to see so many of you at the Opening evening. Please reach out if you have any questions. For those that were not able to attend you have been sent a PDF version of the presentation slides though Seesaw. 

Next week we are learning about...

Religious Education Focus

Next week, students are exploring the key elements of a Catholic Church and their meaning in our faith. They are also learning about the parts of the Mass, with a focus on why the Eucharist is central to worship. Additionally, they are reflecting on ways to actively participate in the faith community and contribute to the Church’s mission.


English Focus

This week, students are learning to identify sentences as groups of words containing a subject and a verb that make sense on their own. They are also finalising their narratives from the start of the term, refining their ideas and storytelling skills.


Mathematics Focus

This term, students are strengthening their addition and subtraction skills through place value partitioning and problem-solving strategies. They are exploring the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction to find unknown values, both mentally and using a calculator. Additionally, they are applying these strategies, including empty number lines and partitioning, to solve real-world budgeting problems.


Auslan Focus

Students are learning the importance of eye contact and facial expressions in Auslan. Eye contact shows who we are signing to, while facial expressions convey politeness and emotion. They are practicing these skills in classroom greeting routines to enhance their communication.


Week 2Event
Monday3A, C, D Media Arts
Tuesday3B Media Arts
Friday3A, B, C, D Sports

This week's highlights...

Community meeting On Wednesday means watching the Assembly together, practicing songs for the upcoming Mass (date to be confirmed). Celebrating birthdays in the community and certificates given for Safety, Respect and Learning. 


We also take some time to review and discuss some points of learning. This week was about Religious Education and how we can be a light in others lives and make good positive choices. 


Please ensure you have signed your child's ICT agreement so we can begin integrating our technology into our learning space. Thank you. 

Contact Us OR

Staff MembersEmail Address
3A - Angela
3A - Jessica
3B - Cass
3B - Lance
3C - Jane
3D - Gurbiner
3D - Sarah