Foundation - Spotlight on Learning

Galilee Community

Dear Families, 


If you are yet to fill in the form for pick up places, or reply to the email, please do so as soon as possible. Foundation students are walked safely, by teachers, to pick up points earlier than the rest of the school. Please inform your older children they meet their sibling at the pick up point. 


Morning drop off:

Classroom doors for Foundation students are open to enter from 8.35 am and the students are invited to come inside and unpack their bags. Parents are welcome to leave after they are dropped off at 8.35 am. After they unpack their bags, they can either have a quiet play inside the classroom or go outside for a play until the music is played to enter classrooms for learning at 8.45 am. 


The pick up points are:

Mackillop Way Walkers (Previously Walking School Bus)

Car Line

Basketball Court

Walking with Sibling (meet at basketball court or Car Line)


The Reading Pouch

  • Please bring the reading pouch every day. 

  • Students must take it out of their bags.

  • Students place it in the reading pouch tub in the classroom. 

  • Attach a special small keyring to the handle so students can identify which one is theirs. Don't remove the name tag if it is still attached. 

  • Take out everything from inside, it belongs to you. 

  • Anything left in the reading pouch next week will be removed. 

  • Check the reading pouch for notices every day.

Next week we are learning about...

Religious Education Focus

Next week we are learning about our family and Jesus's family.


English Focus

Next week we introduce the letter p. We will begin to make words such as Pam, sap, and map. Please check the reading pouch for the sound sheet every Monday.

Mathematics Focus

Next week we are focusing on using counting concepts and working with numbers from 0-10.


Auslan Focus

Next week we are revising all the signs we learnt so far such as greetings and asking questions. 

Week 2Event

00D Art 

00B Sport

00C Sport

WednesdayRest Day - Assessments
Thursday00A Art

00A Sport 

00B Art

00D Sport 

00C Art

Health Nurse

Please take the time to scan the QR code and fill the form as soon as possible. Erica, our health nurse, will come and assess some students in term one and some students in term three.


Please fill in the form for pick up places, or reply to the email if you haven't already.

Please scan the QR code and fill out the form for the school nurse as soon as possible.

Contact Us OR

Staff MembersEmail Address
FA - Bianca
FA - Shuangshuang
FB - Emily
FC - Emma
FD - Nuwani