Specialist Curriculum 

STSS, Physical Education, Visual Art, Media Arts

This week's highlights in STSS

 In STSS, we have begun our term focus based on the Biological Sciences and the Digital Technologies curriculum areas.


All students have been introduced to digital technologies this week. 


In Foundation to Grade 1, students have been learning about the parts and functions of iPads, whilst in Grade 2 students are learning about Chromebooks and how the different hardware functions work. 


Foundation - Year 2 In Science, our junior learners have begun learning about living things and what they need to live and be healthy.  Next week students will begin to focus on differences between living things based on their physical characteristics.


Year 3 - 4 In the middle years, we’ve started learning about how living things are different from things that are non-living or things that were once living (e.g. fossils). We have also begun to group living things based on their physical characteristics.


Year 5 - 6 Our senior students are learning about physical and behavioural adaptations over time to ensure the survival of species.  Students are exploring how the structural and behavioural adaptations influence survival. This week the students participated in an experiment to investigate how our ‘opposable thumbs’ enable humans to carry out tasks as part of everyday life.


Contact Us

specialist@cranbourneeast.catholic.edu.au OR

Staff MembersEmail Address
STSS B - Lance Rooneylrooney@cranbourneeast.catholic.edu.au
STSS C - Wendy Silvesterwsilvester@cranbourneeast.catholic.edu.au
STSS D - Chantel Princecprince@cranbourneeast.catholic.edu.au
STSS E - Jessica Ramjram@cranbourneeast.catholic.edu.au

Physical Education - F-2, 5 & 6 

Anthony O'Rourke


Physical Education - 3 & 4  

Sarah Rietwyk

Visual Art - Helina Walkerhwalker@cranbourneeast.catholic.edu.au
Media Art - Emily Robertsonerobertson@cranbourneeast.catholic.edu.au