Swimming Carnival

Swimming Carnival 2024

Swimming Carnival Results!

In 1st Place:  Sumner!


2nd: Cooper


3rd: Plenty


4th: Merri



On Thursday 20th of February, the year sevens and eights competed in the annual NHS Swimming Carnival for house points. There were various events including backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle, butterfly, novelty things and volleyball for those not swimming. The winning house was Sumner, with 1094 points, then Cooper, with 659 points, followed by Plenty and Merri. It was great to see so many people participating in the competitions and the Sport Captains did a great job of organising everything on the day.

Nelleke Mathews, 8F


 ChantParticipationWater Activity 7RelayWater Activity 8Swimming pointsTotalRank