NAPLAN Testing 2025

NAPLAN Testing 2025


Arrangements for NAPLAN 2025 for Years 7 and 9  

NAPLAN (National Assessment Program- Literacy & Numeracy) is taking place for Years 7 & 9 students in weeks 7 and 8 this term. NAPLAN is a point-in-time assessment, that allows parents and schools to see how students are progressing in literacy and numeracy, against the national standard and compared with their peers throughout Australia. The data from NAPLAN is one of the tools that teachers use to understand your child’s progress and plan for their teaching and learning.  


All NAPLAN tests will be conducted online using your child’s device

Students will need to have downloaded a lockdown browser onto their device, and they will be provided with information about how to do this during their Connect lessons. If your child is unable to download the Lockdown Browser at school, instructions for both Mac and Windows are attached to a Compass newsfeed from Friday 28 February. Resources about the lockdown browser and the online testing process in general are available via the ACARA Online National Assessment site.  


If your child would benefit from working through practice questions, to familiarise themselves with the NAPLAN test formats, these can be accessed at any time via the public demonstration site.   


Students will require headphones for their NAPLAN so please remind your child to bring their headphones to school each day during the testing period.  


For students who will be attending Music Camp from 12- 14 March, your NAPLAN tests will take place during the week of 17- 21 March. Compass events will appear on your schedule to show where to go and you will be contacted directly by email with the details of your testing schedule. 

For students who have been absent on testing days (eg. illness), there will be catch up testing organised on Wednesday 19 March which is the same day as Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences. Students who have been absent for any NAPLAN tests will be invited to attend. (Catch up for the Year 7 Numeracy test will take place on Friday 21 March.)  


If you are a year 7 or year 9 parent/guardian, please:  

-         Ask your child if they have downloaded the NAPLAN lockdown browser to their device.  

-         Check that your child has a charged laptop and brings their headphones to school every day during the testing period. 

Please email Audra Keane at by Thursday 6 March if you need to apply for a withdrawal for your child. You will be required to complete a withdrawal form. For more information about the tests, please visit the VCAA website or the NAP website.