Parent Information

School Fee Payments
Hello families,
A friendly reminder that tomorrow is the last day to pay your school fees upfront to receive the early payment discount.
Early payment discount of 10% off the base tuition fee; 1 Child $458, 2 Children $825, 3 Children $1,169, 4 & 5 Children $1,420
We also have our new paperless direct debit system available to pay your school fees either weekly, fortnightly, monthly or termly, see instructions attached to easily set this up.
Our other usual payment methods are also still available to families via QKR, Bank Transfer, and Eftpos or Cash at the front Office. If you would like any assistance or have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the fi team:
Thank you,
Finance Team
School Photos
School Photos will be taken on Thursday 27 February 2025. Envelopes will be coming home today. These need to be filled in and returned, even if you are NOT having a paid photo – the School Photographer needs your envelope for the class photo. Students in Stage 3 and 4 must be in Summer Formal Uniform.
Sibling Photo Envelopes are available from the front office if you are paying cash, for all other methods of payment for sibling photos, please use the online system available on the School Photographer website.
NEW – If you wish to have a sibling photo taken which includes a sibling from ELC, this can be done, but a parent/caregiver must bring over the sibling from the ELC and wait outside the gym at 12.10pm for the school sibling to arrive. School students will head to the gym between 12.15pm and 12.35pm. Staff are not available to bring ELC students over to the school.
There will be no music photos taken this year.
Please have all photo envelopes and payments completed and back at school no later than Monday 24 February.
Welcome Party
We’re excited to be able to come together in 2025 and invite you and your family to join us for this year’s Good Shepherd Welcome Party!
This major school event will be held Next Friday 21st February, from 5:30pm – 8:30pm, and the theme is ‘Starry Disco!’ Make sure you come dressed in your best Disco outfit! Bring your picnic chairs, rugs, food, drinks and eskies.
You will need to purchase tickets on the Qkr! App. They are available now, and close on Thursday 20th February.
- Children 3-14 years: $12.00 - this includes unlimited access to activities
- Adults: $2.00
- Children under 3: Free
Only one order per family is required – please book your tickets under your eldest child’s name. Ticket purchases are required for EACH child 3-14yrs. Please bring your Qkr! receipt as proof of purchasing entry tickets.
We appreciate your help and support in making this Welcome Party a success and look forward to seeing you all there!
If you have not yet submitted an enrolment application for any siblings of current students, please do so as soon as possible to ensure a position is available, the sooner the better! Your prompt attention to this is greatly appreciated. Enrolment applications can be collected from and returned to the front office.
Seasons for Growth
Seasons for Growth is an 8- week program for children who have had changes occur in their families through death, separation, divorce or related circumstances. It has been run at Good Shepherd for many years now and each year we see the fruit of children having an opportunity to process change in a safe, supportive group.
We have normally run groups for children in stages 2,3 or 4 in term two but are open to running one this term if the need is there. The groups run for 45 minutes once a week. Children join the group with parent permission, at the suggestion of a parent and/or their teacher.
If you think your child/ren might benefit from this valuable program, or have more questions about it, please contact Renee Baker or Sonia Hulme and we will be in touch.
Please click the button for more information on the program...
Scholastic Book Club
Scholastic Book Club orders need to be placed via LOOP TONIGHT, 13th February 2024.
Reminder: Cash payments for Scholastic books orders are not accepted.
Please place your order using the LOOP app - Download the LOOP app through the App store on Apple devices or Google Play on Android devices.
There is the option to mark your purchases as GIFTS. When these books arrive, you will be contacted directly, rather than books going home with students.
Please also note that some titles offered, differ from the Christian ethos followed by the school.
Happy Reading Everyone!
Performing Arts Opportunity
Would your child love to audition for a professional musical?
Disney are seeking applicants for the role of Chip for the Australian Tour of Beauty and the Beast. Chip is the adorable, inquisitive child of Mrs. Potts who’s been turned into a teacup by a magical spell.
Disney are accepting submissions from children of all genders despite the role of Chip being a male character. Submissions close at COB, Friday 14th February
I would love to know if you submit your child for an audition!
Ms Bethany McAleer
Mother's Day Stall
The Mother’s Day Stall planning has begun.
A team of parents are working behind the scenes to prepare for this special event. If you're keen to help out, we are looking for:
- Any parent who is keen to join the organising team! There’s flexibility with what you contribute / how much time you give… we have 2 full-time working Mum’s on the team! We are always keen to have 1 or 2 more parents join us as we look towards longevity and sustainability of this event at school.
Home Made donations to sell such as:
- Mini Succulent Plants
- Earrings
- Chocolate Jars
- Head Wraps
(Please have these dropped off to school Wednesday week 1 and please communicate before then with what you hope to donate to Alix Zeppel -
- People to volunteer at the stall, assist with sales and serve students. For those who haven’t done this before, it’s a lot of fun so please consider joining us!
The dates of the stall are:
- Wed May 7th 1105am – 3pm (with lunch break)
Thurs May 8th 9am – 3pm (with morning tea and lunch break).
Save these to your diary now. More details to come closer to the date.
For those who intend to volunteer at the stall, please take note of the volunteer trainings and requirements coming up this term so you are ready to go come Week 2 Term 2 when the stall happens!
The next trainings are:
- Monday 10th February at 8.30am.
- Monday 3rd March at 3.30pm (please see Newsletter for more information on this).
Thank you for joining us in this venture. We look forward to celebrating together.
The Mother's Day Team:
Alana Siedel
Sarah Pound
Alix Zeppel
Jodi Quast
Kim Crane-Noonan
Michelle Muggleton
Caring Conversations
Dear School Families,
I am re-sharing an old MasterFoods ad called ‘Dinnertime Matters’. I encourage you to watch the video and hear what the adults and children have to say regarding people they would like to invite to dinner.
How did you go with last week’s Caring Conversation starter? Don’t forget, just sharing your highs and lows is a wonderful way to build your relationship with your child and hear what is impacting them. This also provides an opportunity for them to hear about your highs and lows… and listen to the ways you manage them!
God bless you,