Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News


Reading: Aim for 20 minutes minimum reading per night. We encourage students to read aloud, either to themselves or a parent.   

Mathematics: Students are reflecting on what they know and what they need to learn related to number facts, particularly related to tables. Students will be setting goals related to this and they are asked to be working towards meeting their goals. We will aim to communicate these goals with parents. 


NAPLAN requirements:  Please ensure your child has working headphones and a keyboard. The iPad keyboard will be important in the development of keyboard skills which will be part of their class learning. The headphones will be regularly used in class for a variety of purposes. Again, thank you for helping with this. These are both available for purchase through the uniform shop. This is a requirement for Year 5s to complete NAPLAN, with a practise day on Tuesday, next week. 


Camp: We thank all the students for their excellent attitude and involvement in camp. We had many comments from the people we worked with, relating to the students’ manners, kindness and enthusiasm. Our cluster were able to engage with students across classes in ways that take a lot longer at school. We are so thankful for this experience. 


Current and Upcoming Learning  


Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop: We have launched our literacy workshops and introducing routines and expectations. Students can begin their Premier’s Reading Challenge and we believe that regular reading is the greatest way to improve as a reader.  


Mathematics: As mentioned in home inquiry, we will be setting goals related to learning number facts, while continuing to revisit mathematical operations and vocabulary.  


Inquiry: Our camp enabled students to practise their leadership skills in a variety of situations. We will be reflecting on this further as we continue this learning throughout the first 3 terms.  


 Yours sincerely,  


Luke Napier  

Jade Fielke 

Jayne Zadow