Family Educator's Corner

Mrs Elena Razzoli - Family Educator

Upcoming Family & Faith Initiatives

27/2/25Pope Francis Awards Info Session for Yr 6 Students
2/3/25Family Mass Kindy - Year 2
 St Matha's Catholic Church
 10am followed by morning tea
 St Martha's School Library
 8:50am - 10am
 St Martha's Catholic Church
6/3/25School Open Day
 St Martha's School
 9am - 11am
16/3/25Raising Kids in a Pornified World
 Atura Hotel Prospect
 2:30pm - 5:30pm (see flyer below)
17/3/25Playgroup (St Patrick's Feast Day)
 St Martha's School Hall
 8:50am - 10am
 St Martha's Catholic Church
29/3/25Women Lenten Retreat
 St Mary's Cathedral Sydney
 9am - 4pm
4/4/25Parent Pilgrimage 
 To St Mary's Cathedral Sydney
 9:30am - 2pm

Parent Pilgrimage

10am: Crypt Tour

11am: Prayer Reflection

11.30am: Lunch

12.30pm: Possibility to go to Reconciliation

1.10pm: Mass


Please email if you’re interested in participating in the pilgrimage to St Mary’s Cathedral or if you have any questions, thank you. Please note,Places for the Pilgrimage to St Mary’s Cathedral are limited. Please email me at your earliest convenience if you’d like to participate in the pilgrimage, as places will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Raising Kids in a Pornified World


Women's Lenten Retreat

Saturday 29 March 2025 at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney

Who do you say that I am? (Mt 16:15) Women of all ages are invited to join a Women’s Lenten Retreat Day on Saturday 29 March 2025 at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney. 


The day will include all day Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions, keynote talks by the Dominican Sisters, breakout sessions, morning tea and lunch.


Ticket price is $50 per person and includes morning tea and lunch.A group discount is on offer – buy 4 tickets for $180

Register here

Prayer requests

If you have any prayer requests, you can email them at any time to and, if you’d like, we’ll include your prayer intentions in this week’s School Newsletter so that the whole St Martha’s community can pray for them.

Thank you!

A huge 'Thank-you' to our wonderful P&F and to all the other Parent volunteers for all their extraordinary work to organise and run a fantastic St Martha’s Welcome BBQ last Friday. What a wonderful afternoon and evening it was for everyone! 


Many thanks also to The Grocery Spot in Homebush for donating all the delicious watermelon!


Please do not hesitate to email me at at any time if you have any questions, comments or requests.

Many thanks.


Wishing everyone a very fruitful Lent, may we all, by God’s grace, grow in Love for Him, for our family members and for all the people that God has placed in our lives.


Mrs Elena Razzoli

Family Educator