Parish News

Lent 2025

The season of Lent commences on Wednesday 5th March. Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence. 

Mass times & the distribution of ashes: 7:00am, 9:10am, 11:40am (school mass) and 6:30pm. 


Readers, Special Ministers, Acolytes & Altar Servers are needed for each Mass. The sign-up sheet is in the Church Foyer.

Go Make Disciples

FREE Lenten Companion 2025. A limited number of copies are available in the Church foyer to take home.

Project Compassion Prayer 2025

God of our journey

we are all pilgrims of hope

brought together by your love

and your wish that we may all be one.

We pray that in this Year of Jubilee

when we are called to greater justice

and care for our common home

that we may Unite Against Poverty.

May we work in unity for the freedom of the oppressed

and the renewal of creation.

May our compassionate minds and generous hearts

help bring about a world where all can live in peace.

May our Lenten pilgrimage of fasting, almsgiving and prayer

bring us closer to your loving heart.

We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Boxes and Share Packs are now available in the Church foyer.

St Martha's Lenten Piety Stall

A wide variety of religious items and Easter Cards are now available to purchase in the Church Foyer with Prices starting from $2 to $15.Cash payments only. Please see the Church Wardens for assistance.

2025 Lenten Program (Wollongong Diocese Resource)

The program will commence on Monday 3rd March in the Church from 10.30am to 11.30am. Everyone is warmly welcome to attend (booklets are $10).