A Message from the Principal

Mrs Carolyn Parsell

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome BBQ- Meet the Teacher

A huge thank-you to all who were involved in the preparation, cooking, serving and clean up for our Welcome BBQ. It was a lovely afternoon/ evening. Most parents took advantage of the opportunity to meet the teachers and have a look at the classrooms. The students enjoyed showing their parents around the rooms and introducing them to their teachers. The balloon artist added a touch of joy and excitement and the animated conversations between parents and teachers were a delight to see. We look forward to working together to ensure great learning outcomes, growth in faith and the continued development of a thriving Catholic community.



P&F General Meeting- Everyone Welcome

On Monday 3rd March we will hold our first general P&F Meeting for 2025. We will gather in the Parish Hall at 8:30am to catch up on upcoming vents and hear about plans for 2025. All are welcome to come along. A parent volunteer induction session will be held straight after the meeting. 


Catholic Schools Week

Next week we celebrate Catholic Schools Week. This will include our Open Day for prospective families. Please spread the word about our wonderful school. Ash Wednesday falls in this week and you are invited to join us for Mass at 11:40am. Years 3-6 will attend Mass. K-2 will have a prayer service at 10:15 in the school hall.

Please note that Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and students are reminded of Lenten observances. 

1. Abstinence from meat, and fasting, must be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. All who have completed their eighteenth year and have not yet begun their sixtieth year are bound to fast. All who have completed their fourteenth year are bound to abstain. 2. On all other Fridays of the year including the Fridays of Lent, the law of the common practice of penance is fulfilled by performing any one of the following: 

(a) prayer – for example, Mass attendance; family prayer; a visit to a church or chapel; reading the Bible; making the Stations of the Cross; praying the rosary. 

(b) self-denial – for example, not eating meat; not eating sweets or dessert; giving up entertainment to spend time with the family; limiting food and drink so as to give to the poor of one’s own country; limiting use of social media, smart phones or television. 

(c) helping others – for example, special attention to someone who is poor, sick, elderly, lonely oroverburdened.

Open Day

Please spread the word about our Open Day on Thursday 6th March 9:00 to 11:00am. We will have tours of the school, a kindy farm, coffee van and ice-creams. Students from Kinder to Year 2 will get to visit the kindy farm and all students in the school will get a small cup of icecream. If your child has an allergy or intolerance please contact the office to opt for a zooper dooper ice block instead, or no treat if that is your preference. We look forward to promoting our beautiful school and welcoming prospective families.

Safety- Traffic Concerns

We all want to keep our children safe. It is critical that all people driving near the school keep safety of all front of mind. This week we have seen a number of parents doing unsafe U-turns and overtaking across double white lines, including in close proximity to the crossing. We understand that everyone is in a hurry, but reckless behaviour could result in injury or death and a lifetime of regret. Please observe all road rules. No double parking, no overtaking over double centre lines, drive within the speed limit. People pay a lot of money to attend the gym for exercise. Parking a little further from the school and walking will get you fit and save you from unwanted fines! Your consideration of our neighbours by not parking over driveways is greatly appreciated. Let's work together to ensure our students are safe at all times.


Peace and best wishes,

Carolyn Parsell