Community News

Check out these awesome opportunities!

Rural City of Wangaratta

Business Managers Victoria 

Gateway Health Parenting Program



Glenrowan Solar Farm Scholarship

Team CAV Wangaratta Marathon & Fun Run



Headspace Outdoor Social Group

Uniting Carer Gateway Program


Wangaratta Youth 



One of our students wanted to shine some light on the wonderful efforts of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. 

Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Our mission is to grant the wish of every eligible child – a quest sparked by the belief that a wish is integral to a child’s treatment.

For further information and to make a donation, visit this link: 


Wangaratta Concert Band

The Wangaratta Concert Band are looking for young players of any skill level to join their band and have a play. 

The band rehearse on a Monday night from 6.30 - 9pm. 

If you are interested or having any questions please email or call 0401 021 448

Air Force Cadets

 Wangaratta Pickleball Club

Positive Health Workshops

Wangaratta Rovers Female Football Club

Saver Plus

Umpiring Football

The Border umpires' group are asking for any student who would be interested in umpiring football.  This is field, goal and boundary umpires for the following leagues:

  • Ovens and Murray
  • Hume / Ovens and King / Tallangatta
  • Albury and Wodonga juniors
  • Female Football League

Umpires will be paid for each game.


If you are interested in being a goal, field or boundary umpire please contact Paul Delahunty on 0400421089 or alternatively please see Ms Yeates for more information.


Teen Art Classes