Billy Button News
Billy Button News
The first few weeks at Billy Button are a time of wonder, transition, and building connections. For many of our three-year-olds, this is their first experience of care or school beyond home. It is heartening to be able to offer these little ones a slow and gentle start to their schooling years by supporting this change through warm relationships with the teachers, predictable rhythms to the day, and a gentle approach to separation.
The building of friendships is woven into the shared experiences the Billy Button children are having. Chopping fruit together, chatting around the table as we share meals, chasing rainbow fairies as they dance on the walls, or making puddles to splashing in the sandpit. Many shared exclamations of delight and giggles have been heard over the past three weeks—and no doubt, there will be many more to come.
As our children begin to build relationships with each other, so too are the families, through their own shared experiences. Last weekend, many families from Billy Button and Ruby Saltbush joined us for a working bee to spruce up our garden and classroom. It was a busy morning that left us with a beautiful garden and some delightful new curtains! It is so valuable for your children to see you working together to create a beautiful space for them, building an even stronger connection between home and school. Thank you to everyone who came and made the day a success!
Thank you for trusting us with your children during this very special time of transition to their schooling years. We are very much looking forward to the year ahead and delighting in the magic of childhood with them.
Kelly and Codie