School News

End of Semester Reports – Available Monday, 16th December
We are pleased to inform you that End of Semester Reports, including your child's final GPA progress report, will be published on Compass on Monday, 16th December. These reports provide valuable insights into your child's progress and achievements across the semester.
We encourage all parents and carers to take the time to review these reports with their children. Discussing their growth and celebrating their successes is a wonderful way to acknowledge their hard work and efforts throughout the year. It’s also an opportunity to talk about goals and areas for improvement as we look ahead to 2025.
If you experience any difficulties accessing Compass, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office. Our team is here to assist and ensure you can access this important information.
Thank you for your ongoing support of your child’s education.
Trafalgar High School Bus Loop
The High School has brought to our attention that some students have been leaving the bike shed and riding their bikes up the eastern carpark driveway whilst cars are exiting. One student even managed to perform an impressive wheelie down the full length of the driveway! The High School prioritises everyone's safety and wants to prevent anyone from being hit by a car.
Also, a reminder for all parents and carers: the Trafalgar High School bus loop is not a roundabout or a racetrack. The road signs clearly indicate that from 8:00-9:00 AM and 3:00-4:15 PM, the bus loop is designated as a BUS ZONE.
To ensure the safety of all students in this area, we kindly ask that you refrain from driving through during these times.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Parents & Friends News
The P&F Committee recently held their AGM on Monday 2nd December. Your new committee for 2025 are as follows:
President: Sarah Nash
Treasurer: Liz White
Secretary: Jane Cook
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all students, staff and their families for contributing to our events and fundraisers throughout the year. Below are our final notices for 2024, including information regarding some events for the first few weeks of Term 1 next year.
Many thanks to our longstanding committee members who have chosen to reduce to a voluntary capacity after many years on the committee: Shane Paynter (President) and
Mel McIntosh (Treasurer). Thanks also to our members who have held executive positions in the past: Kim Radic, Tara Barnes and Rellie Kolody, who are now stepping down from the committee after many years of dedication. Your efforts and insight have been pivotal to the success of our events, and you have helped set the foundations for our newly formed committee.
We invite anyone interested in joining P&F or helping for any of our events next year, to please reach out to us so that you can be added to our contact list. We will also send flyers home with students early next year.
If you'd like to sign up for 2025 in any capacity, please send our secretary an email:
Lunch Orders for 19th December
Please note that lunch order menu quantities for the final week of the year will be limited and smaller than usual. This will help ensure that food is prepared according to demand, reducing excess and minimising waste.
We appreciate your understanding.
Breakfast Club
On behalf of the entire Breakfast Club, we want to extend a huge thank you to all of our generous donors that have contributed milo, jam, cereal and so much more to our breakfast pantry throughout the year! Your thoughtfulness has truly brightened our mornings. A special thank you to our volunteers and sponsors who have made a significant contribution to helping us sustain our operations each day before school.
Your support has not only filled their stomachs but has also made a significant difference in our school community, ensuring our students start their day with the energy they need to succeed. Your role in this cannot be overstated.
Looking forward to seeing you for brekky in 2025!
Mrs Burns and Mrs Marslen
Breakfast Club MasterChef's
OSHClub Events & Offers in 2025
If you are looking for a fun and caring space for your children either before school or after, please contact our OSHClub on 0439 735 713 or
A Message from our Visiting Teacher for Hearing
Good morning,
I came across the attached article about hearing loss in rural Australia. The key information contained in this research for our students is that they are at higher risk than their urban/suburban dwelling peers for developing noise induced hearing loss. Farms have noisy machinery, tools, tractors and many farmers use chemicals some of which can cause hearing loss. See quotes below.
“Over 1 billion young adults risk permanent hearing damage due to noise-induced hearing loss, among rural youth, exposure to noise through activities such as operating machinery, powered tools and recreational all-terrain vehicles increase their risk [to noise related hearing loss].”
“In children, hearing loss can impair listening, learning and speech development, potentially affecting school attendance.” Bold and italics added.
Recommendation from the article
Practicing safe listening habits, such as using ear protection and limiting noise exposure.
Please talk to your students about safety over the summer holidays. Highlight the risk of hearing loss caused through exposure to loud noise. Particularly those living on farms. Explain the purpose of using Personal Protective Equipment such as ear protection and other items related to anything they are doing around the farm. Also remind them that even if they are not using any equipment themselves; if they are near-by they can be affected by noise damage. You might like to put a note in your school newsletter to suggest to parents that they consider hearing protection for their children over the summer holidays around noisy equipment.
I thought this was a timely reminder to all of us about the environments in which many of our students could spend time over the summer holidays. It seems an opportune time to send out a safety message.
Kind Regards
Lynnette Rosenberg |Visiting Teacher - Hearing| Inner Gippsland Area | South-Eastern Victoria Region
Department of Education