From The Office

Last Day of Payments 2024
The office will close for cash/eftpos payments on Tuesday, 17 December, this will also be the last day we will be sending stationary packs home in 2024.
Please be aware that there is a 2-3 day processing delay from when payment of your curriculum contributions is made through Compass, and it is received by the school.
If you wish to receive your stationary pack before the end of 2024, we recommend making payment no later than Thursday, 12 December.
For any payments made after this date, the office will re-open for stationary pack collection and general enquiries on Wednesday, 29 January 2025 from 9:00am – 3:00pm.
If you have a child that is leaving the school at the end of 2024, and they currently have medication stored in our first aid room or the office, this will need to be collected.
Could you please arrange collection of this medication from the office, no later than 1:00pm on Friday 20 December.
Unfortunately, if the medication is not collected by this day, it will be disposed of. Thank you in anticipation.