A wondrous end of 2024 for Year 9

Year 9 Rewards Day – Cables Water Park Penrith
On Tuesday the 3rd of December as a part of rewards day the Year Advisers Mr Banks and Ms Zaidan, along with some of the year 9 connect teachers took a large group of our year 9 students to Cables Water Park. The students and staff had an amazing day, and the students were extremely well behaved. Members of the public and staff stopped our staff to say how polite and wonderful the kids were all day. Thanks to Mr Banks and Ms Zaidan for your organisation and to all teachers who attended on the day.
Year 9 Camp
On Wednesday the 11th to Friday the 13th of December Mr Banks, Ms Zaidan, Ms Li Donni and Mr Floresca took 50 year 9 students to camp at Mt Kosciuszko. The students slept in tents on Wednesday, they hiked and built rafts and canoes on Lake Jindabyne. Thanks to Mr Banks and Ms Zaidan for all the work they do to support year 9 and for organising this camp. And thanks to Ms Li Donni and Mr Floresca for giving up their time to provide the students with such great experience.
Thank you for another great year
I would like to thank staff, students, and families for another amazing year at Cecil Hills High School. 2024 has been a great adventure. A real highlight has been working with so many great staff, students and families. It has also been great to see my year 9 students achieve so much and progress in their learning. I look forward to working with you all again in 2025. Have a safe and happy break and a Merry Christmas to those who celebrate.
Joel Howard
Deputy Principal
Year 9