A day to remember

On Friday, 29th November, Year 10 Commerce students had the opportunity to run their own business stalls as part of the Year 10 Commerce elective. The process of planning and operating their stalls allowed students to develop valuable skills, including communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.
The response from the school community was outstanding. During a busy recess, students enthusiastically sold their goods and services to supportive and eager customers. Impressively, the two Commerce classes raised a combined total of $1,410.20—far exceeding expectations.
The funds raised will be split between two charitable organisations that Year 10 students are passionate about: UNICEF Australia and Cancer Council Australia.
Congratulations to all the students involved for their hard work and dedication!
“Market Day was a chaotic, stressful but worthwhile experience. From the planning to the execution, every step we took led to a successful stall where we sold all our dessert cups. We made a profit and carefully took care of our finances.” – Keira
“Our Market Day experience was extremely successful. One of our greatest achievements was growing our Instagram following to 200 in just a short time. This platform allowed us to effectively inform people about our product, the event details, and generate further online pre-orders beforehand. The engagement from our followers translated into an incredible turnout and enthusiasm on the day itself.” – Kerem
“Our group successfully marketed our dessert cups efficiently by advertising on social media and putting posters up around the school. With the help of this, we were able to sell out, and our consumers left happy.” – Isabelle
Fatema Al Ali
Year 10 Commerce Coordinator
Social Sciences Faculty