Holy Saviour School Bulletin

Dear Families,
Holy Saviour Production - Turn Back Time
What an amazing night we had last night! All the months of planning and rehearsal were brought together in the most amazing performance of Turn Back Time!
Thank you to Mia Klidomitis, for your creativity and design in co-ordinating all the props. Countless hours were spent during the week and on weekends putting all these amazing prop pieces together.
Thank you Olivia Turner & Debbie Juric for all your work with the costume design and production. A lot of hard work, blood, sweat & tears went into making these.
A massive thank you to Carly Corcoran for your creativity, direction, singing and choreography. Again, countless hours during the week, on weekends, and on school holidays have been spent writing our production, casting roles, allocating songs to the most appropriate groups, choreographing dance moves, and that was all before we even started rehearsing!
What you have been able to achieve in bringing it all together in last night's performance has been a massive achievement, and a credit to you. We cannot thank you enough for what you bring our community.
To the Stars of the show! Children, you continue to amaze us and make us very proud and privileged to be your teachers. What you have been able to achieve over the past few months with production has been incredible, and last night's show was impeccable. Well Done to each and every one of you!
Year 6 Big Day Out
What a fantastic day we had at Funfields Theme Park today celebrating the end of grade 6! Beautiful sunshine, great friends, and plenty of water fun! Thank you Jenni & Michelle for your help today.
St Vincent de Paul Appeal & Christmas Themed Free Dress Day
On Friday 13th December, children are invited to wear Christmas Themed Free Dress and to bring along non-perishable food donations for the St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal to support families in need this Christmas.
All donated food will help St Vincent de Paul make some great Christmas Hampers and make a difference to families in need. Each year level has been allocated two items we would like you to focus on donating. This is so we can get a good range of foods.
Donations are being accepted in classrooms from now until Friday 13th December.
Class Level Food Allocations
Prep / Year 1– cereal/long life milk
Year 2/3/4 – /tea/coffee/biscuits (sweet/savoury)/ tinned foods (eg fruit/vegetables/fish/meat/soup)
Year 5/6 – rice/pasta/sauces to make a meal
Of course, ALL donations are welcome and are not limited to specific year levels.
St Vincent de Paul has requested that these items are undamaged and have a use-by date beyond September 2025. Please don’t feel restricted to the above items; this is a guide so we don’t get overloaded with the one food item. Any donations are greatly appreciated. We thank you for your generosity.
Building Works Update
There's been quite a bit happening in the last two weeks, including a huge crane onsite today lifting all the roof sheets onto the roof. I'm not sure how much work was completed today, the children were more interested in watching the crane! Below are some photos of the work to date.
2025 Prep Transition Sessions
We had our final Prep Transition session on Tuesday and it was so nice welcome back our 2025 Prep class. We are all very excited to have the students join us next year as they begin their school journey with us at the junior campus of Emmaus College.
The children joined us in the morning and were greeted by their Year 5 buddies. At this session, the students listened to the story ‘Where is the Green Sheep?’ after which they did a scavenger hunt with their buddies, looking for green sheep around key areas of our school. The students then decorated and were crowned with ‘Almost a Prep Queen/King’ crown.
It was an exciting morning and we can’t wait to welcome them all back next year! We would also like to thank the Year 5 buddies who have assisted the children during each of their transition days. They were all so amazing and made each of our little Preps feel very comfortable and special. We know that they are going to be really great buddies and role models for them next year too.
Final Year 1-6 Transition Day
We also have our second and final transition session for our Year 1-6 students this Wednesday 11th December at 9am. We were very impressed with the way in which all students transitioned so smoothly at our first session and are looking forward to the next one!
December Student Reports
Over the past few weeks teachers have been involved in writing student reports as well as analysing data gathered throughout Semester Two. At Holy Saviour we use numerous assessment tasks as well as teacher observations and records to inform our report writing.
On Friday 13th December, school reports will be emailed to families and are just one part of our reporting to parents that occurs throughout the year. We hope that these student reports are a cause for celebration of learning and that families are able to focus on the positive achievements whilst encouraging their child/children to consider their challenges as they continue their learning journey at Holy Saviour.
End of Term date & time
The end of the 2024 school year is fast approaching, just a reminder that students finish at 1:00pm on Tuesday 16th December.
Bakers Delight Christmas Fundraiser
Its that time of the year again! Bakers Delight Vermont South, would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase delicious Fruit Mince Tarts, Lemon Tarts, Christmas Cakes, Christmas Tree Cakes and Small Cakes for the festive season. For every six-pack of Christmas Tarts or cakes you order, Bakers Delight Vermont South will give $2.00 to the school.
Simply place your order via CDFpay by Thursday 12th December and your order will be delivered to the school ready for collection on Monday 16th December.
Remember to ask family and friends if they would like to order some too!
Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony & Party
The Grade 6 Graduation ceremony is currently scheduled for Tuesday 10th December, 6.30pm.
We will be celebrating Mass with Fr Ralph at 6.30pm, and this will be followed by our graduation ceremony which will involve presentation of certificates and some short presentations. We ask that all Year 6 students arrive by 6.15pm so that we can begin Mass at 6.30pm, and students will need to be in full summer uniform.
The parent-run grade 6 Graduation party will be held on Friday 13th December in the Multi-purpose hall.
Library Books
Please note that All library books are now due.
Please remember to return all books that might still be at home. If you are unsure of which books might be overdue, please contact the library or classroom teacher
Holy Saviour Parish Family Mass & Picnic
No Hat – No Play
We remind parents and children that term 4 has a ‘No Hat – No Play’ Sunsmart policy. Children must have their hats for every break and PE lesson this term. It must also be a proper Holy Saviour hat, normal caps with other logos are not our school uniform and children will not be allowed to play unless it is the proper hat. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Catholic Secondary School Enrolment Applications
Key Enrolment Dates for Year 5 Students in 2025 starting Year 7 in 2027
The key enrolment dates for students in Year 5 in 2025 who will be starting Year 7 in 2027 have been agreed after consultation with the Executive of the Principals Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS).
The timeline of events and dates are as follows:
Tuesday 28th January 2025 – Applications open for students commencing Year 7 in 2026.
Friday 15th August 2025 – Applications close.
Friday 17th October 2025 – Offers posted to prospective Year 7 applicants.
Friday 7th November 2025 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school.
Parents of Year 5 students in 2025, please diarise these dates so you don’t miss out.
Steve Evans