Message from the Principal  

 Mr David Smith

Dear Parents and Guardians,


As we approach the end of 2024, I take this opportunity to reflect on the year that has been and what success means for our School community. 


Each year at Calrossy is brimming with activity, filled with countless achievements and memorable moments that celebrate the successes of individuals, teams, and the School community as a whole. From academic milestones and sporting triumphs to creative pursuits and acts of service, every corner of school life contributes to a vibrant and inspiring environment.


Celebrating Achievements Together


As we prepare for our year-end celebrations, I encourage you to join us in recognising the diverse achievements of our students. From the academic milestones to the quieter moments of growth, each success tells a story of hard work and perseverance.


In many ways our School has enjoyed one of its most successful years ever. Selected achievements include:

  • Our Year 12 students raised over $45 000 for the Leukaemia Foundation through the ‘World’s Greatest Shave’ activities in Term 1. They also raised over $5000 for the Calrossy Foundation, to establish a student bursary, giving another child the gift of education.
  • Calrossy’s Equestrian Team was named the “Most Successful School” at the North West Equestrian Expo for the 11th year running.
  • The continuing success of our Cattle Team was emphasised in many ribbons, trophies and commendations at a variety of Agricultural Shows and Sales, including the Grand Champion Shorthorn bull at Dubbo.
  • High level achievements in Junior School and Secondary Dance and Music at Eisteddfods, Science and Engineering Challenges, Da Vinci Decathlons, Debating Competitions, Junior School and HRIS Public speaking.
  • Our Secondary athletes enjoyed an outstanding year, winning our HRIS Carnival and being ranked in the top 15 schools in the CIS, with ten students being nominated on the CIS Merit list. Calrossy students won plenty of medals at NSW All Schools.
  • The growth of Mountain Biking, with our students winning Country and NSW level competitions as individuals and teams.
  • Netball had a strong year with a Grand Final win and loss to two teams and our Under 14s won through to the NGS Super Schools Cup State Finals, where they won the School Spirit Award.
  • Our Wiburd Shield Cricket team advancing to the final eight of the Statewide tournament.
  • Two of our Rugby teams made Grand Finals, with School rugby teams also taking to the field against Gunnedah in the Red Vs Blue as a curtain raiser.
  • A record attendance at our Junior School Grandparents’ Day, with hundreds attending the concert and classroom visits.
  • The various Music Concerts and recitals, showcasing our talented musicians across the School and the depth of our Music program.
  • Fabulous intra-school competitions such as House Music and the Shakespeare Festival. The team spirit on display at House Music and sporting carnivals throughout the year was second to none. 
  • Outstanding student voice and leadership in Senior Secondary, Middle and Junior School. 
  • Student driven Wellbeing events, including RU OK Day, with inspirational guest speaker, Sam Bailey.
  • Parent and Community seminars involving Marshall Ballantine Jones (Using Technology Safely), Shanna Whan (Sober in the Country) and our own P & F meetings .
  • The support of the P & F to raise funds for our students and resources across all areas of the School.
  • Our Creative and Performing Arts Team, supporting Christmas ceramics, made by Junior School students, utilising our new kiln. (Thanks P & F.)
  • Selected Boarders volunteer each week to provide breakfast on Wednesday mornings to students at Hillvue Public School, feeding them and encouraging students who otherwise might not enjoy a morning meal.
  • Welcoming Olympian and Calrossy Alumni, Alice Arnott, as guest speaker at our Year 12 Graduation.
  • A record number of shoeboxes donated to Operation Christmas Child, with 205 boxes of goodies packed for children in need across the globe.
  • The Red Vs Blue Weekend which brought more than 800 people together on a joyous occasion to celebrate important links with current and past students around sport.

There are many other individual and group achievements amongst students and staff. Well done to all.


Measuring Success

What does success mean for our School community? For some, there is the temptation to equate success solely with grades and test scores. With reports soon to be released, parents and students will receive a clear indication of aspects of progress and growth. While academic achievement is an essential component of education, it is only one piece of the puzzle. At Calrossy, we believe success is a multifaceted concept that includes growth, character, and community impact.


Academic Growth

We celebrate every student's progress, whether it’s mastering a challenging subject, improving study habits, or showing newfound confidence in the classroom. Success is not just about high marks but about consistent effort, a love of learning, and resilience in the face of challenges. It is about growth. There will be some students who do not receive a certificate or award at Presentation Day, but who have triumphed in growth and/or improvement. Sometimes the hard work in the present is what sets up future success. I love the common story in our School of students growing through the years to receive high commendation as they graduate. That is one of Calrossy’s best kept secrets. Success in Year 12 is the result of steady growth and improvement over many years.


Personal Development

Equally important is the development of character. This year, we’ve witnessed students demonstrate kindness, integrity, and leadership. Whether it was through acts of empathy, teamwork on the sports field, or advocacy in the classroom, these moments reflect the heart of what we strive to instil in our learners. Some highlights include our Weeks of Wellbeing, RU OK Day, Year 12 fundraising for the Greatest Shave and the 

Calrossy Foundation, the Anglicare Christmas in July project providing over 200 food hampers for families in need and the Boarder community filling over 205 boxes for Operation Christmas Child. For our students to hear stories from Sam Bailey and Shanna Whan, inspiring them to grow, is important. Students have supported the Rural Fire Service and other community groups. Our Chapel Program encourages students to engage in selfless service by following the example of Jesus. It is not lost on me that when people focus on the needs of others, their own personal growth and wellbeing is improved. I believe this is the way we were made.


Community Engagement

Our students have also made a difference beyond our School walls. From participating in service projects to environmental initiatives, they’ve learned that success includes making a positive impact on the world around them. All of the events in the paragraph above relate to the community working together. Our Boarders regularly participate in the Boarders Cup and regular musters and our House Competitions are something that is 

celebrated from Prep to Year 12. The sport carnivals, House Music and Shakespeare Days have all been enthusiastically embraced. Some in our P & F have given their time to mow Rugby Fields and mark lines to raise funds. Others have constructed lunch tables or cooked sausages. Our Red vs Blue Sports day was a wonderful celebration of our community, involving current students and families with Alumni. This year we have enjoyed more events in which Grandparents, Alumni and parents have engaged with and this is something we seek to continue to grow. There is much research indicating that when parents and school partner closely together, the outcomes are most positive for their children. 


I thank each and every member of our community for your ongoing support in helping us nurture well-rounded, thoughtful, and motivated learners. As we look ahead to the next school year, we remain committed to providing an environment where every child can thrive and achieve their version of success.


David Smith
