
Kitchen Garden Help:
With the school holidays upon us, our wonderful Kitchen Garden is flourishing with an abundance of plants, thanks to the care and hard work of our students. However, with the students now away, we want to ensure these plants continue to thrive and don't go to waste. We’re reaching out to ask for volunteers to help maintain the garden over the break.
How Can You Help?
The main task is watering the plants to keep them healthy. We’ve put together a detailed watering guide (see below) that will show you what and where to water. It’s an easy but essential job to ensure that our garden continues to grow and thrive.
What You’ll Need:
- A watering can (which will be left by the tap in the garden)
- A hose (also available for use in the garden)
Track Your Efforts!
There will be a sign at the garden where you can document when you’ve watered, so we can keep track of the garden’s care during the holidays.
We will greatly appreciate any time you can spare to visit the garden and help out. As a thank you for your efforts, feel free to help yourself to the fresh produce that we hope will continue to grow abundantly this season!
Brooke Danaher
Sustainability Coordinator