Organ Pipe National Park

Year 8 Excursion
Organ Pipes National Park
On Thursday 21st November Year 8 travelled to North Keilor to Organ Pipes National Park.
In Term 4 in their Humanities subject students studied landforms and in science they learnt about different rocks and how they form in the rock cycle, this excursion complemented their learning.
Organ Pipes National Park is famous for their ancient igneous basalt rocks that formed when lava flowed from nearby volcanoes over Keilor Plains, filling the valleys. The lava cooled and solidified into basalt approximately 1 million years ago.
Students toured the National Park and saw the 3 famous rock formations, organ pipes, tessellated pavement and rosette rock.
Students all learnt a lot and got in a workout visiting these natural wonders.
Rachel Ieraci-Radford
Science Teacher