
Welcome to 2024. A new school year filled with much anticipation and excitement. As Anthony Calavassy (Director of Co-curricular) is currently on leave, I look forward to working proactively in this space with our families and the wider SPC community.


I would like to welcome Peter Maxwell back to the College who will assume the role of MIC Basketball. 


I would also like to remind everyone that supporting me in this role we have:

Samuel Boggs

Head of Sport​

John Locke

Head of Co-curricular Stage 3

Brett Davidson

Assistant Head of Sport

Macquire Tatola 

Head of Rugby 

Jason Falzon

Head of Football

Furthermore, please know that with the resumption of Summer sport activities this week, I would like to take this opportunity to remind staff, parents/carers, and students of the expectation to attend all training session and fixtures. All absences need to be explained in writing from a parent/carer in a timely manner. Students will be reminded of their commitment made and those expectations. 


I invite all families to keep an eye out for information about how they can be involved in the life of the College through assisting at Co-curricular activities. In the meantime, wishing you all a very pleasurable 2025 school year. 


Adrian Byrne

Acting Director of Co-curricular