Co-curricular - Junior Sport Stage 3

Co-curricular Stage 3 - Term 1, Week 1
Welcome back to all our returning families and a warm welcome to all the new families to our community. I hope that the Christmas and New Year break was a joyous and relaxing time and that you are all refreshed and ready for the 2024 school year.
Term 1 is a busy time for the Junior School, especially when it comes to sport. We hit the ground running with Summer sport trials commencing this first week of Term 1. Please refer to details in the College app for times and days of trials. All trials will be held during school time at the College. Basketball Grading to take place at Auburn Basketball Centre.
For all trials, boys are to come to school in their College Uniform and bring their sports colour house uniform to change into for the trials. All boys must have their black sport caps for the trials as venues are outdoors. The College will provide equipment for all trials with the exception being tennis, where all boys will require their own racquets. Boys are also welcome to bring any of their own equipment for trials and ensure that it is clearly labeled.
If a student has trialed and has been selected in a sport, he is unable to trial for any further sports. If, however, a student misses out on selection in a sporting team in the first instance, they are then able to trial again for an alternative sport that is still available.
At some stage this year, every student will be involved in the Co-Curricular Program in the Junior School. As a result, it is highly important that parents/carers and boys have downloaded the College App and subscribed to the activities that your son/s are involved in. On the College App you will receive push notification about training and game cancelations, changes to fixtures and have access to season and weekly draws. The SPC App is our primary source of communication regarding co-curricular activities. Please take the time to download it if you haven’t already. A reminder to boys and parents/carers moving to Year 7 this year, you will need to subscribe to the Senior School/Senior School activities.
Throughout the year, there will be opportunities for boys to be selected into squads for Swimming, Cross-country, and Athletics. Along with this, opportunities will be made available for IPSHA and CIS representation. Due to limits put on numbers we are able to send to these representative trials, preference is given to boys in Year 6. For some sports, such as Rugby, an age restriction is placed on participants which rules out Year 5 participants. Once places have been filled, any remaining opportunities will go to boys in Year 5.
Some dates to put in your calendar:
Event | Date | Venue |
Cross-Country Carnival | Thursday 13 February | Breen Oval |
Athletics Carnival | Thursday 19 June | Breen Oval |
Swimming Carnival | Friday 14 November | Birrong Pool |
I look forward to seeing all the boys out and involved in the Co-curricular Program in the Junior School over the course of this year. I hope that time spent in the teams and squads are memorable, joyful, and purposeful for all the boys this year.
John Locke
Head of Co-Curricular Stage 3