Year 4 Urban Gardening

We have been caring for our garden with a range of tools and supplies. With the side garden being blocked because of the asphalt getting redone we have been doing other activities like weaving and putting the weavings around the garden fence. We have been creating succulents to put in little pots and placed them around the garden.
This year we got old newspapers and wrapped it around tubes to make paper pots and that is one of many things we recycled this year. We have learned how to plant seedlings and taking out coffee from pods and putting them in our compost bins. We are so grateful
for all of the gardening helpers like Mrs Bunn, Mrs Hewitt and Mrs Williams.
We are so so so happy that we had gardening this year.
Written by The Sussy Carrots 4Z
On 11th December the Year 4 students held a market stall during the BRPS Carols. They sold a variety of herbs and tomato seedlings that the students grew themselves from seed. The students dug up 7kg of potatoes from our school garden beds and sold these as well. $97 was raised from the market stall, great effort!
I would like to thank the Year 4 students and their teachers for their fantastic work in the vegetable garden this year. Also, a big thank you to our volunteers Mrs Bunn and Mrs Williams, who worked tirelessly throughout the year to help me run the program.
From Mrs Hewitt