Principal's News Flash

Corinne Pupillo
Dear Parents & friends of JSA community,
Welcome back to the 2025 school year. The longer break allows you and your family to enjoy some quality time together. Schools are always a hive of activity so I hope that you are well-rested and recharged for the upcoming school year.
A very warm welcome to our new families and new staff, I hope your time at JSA is positive and rewarding as we build a strong partnership with you during the year. The fortnightly newsletter is filled with important information which will assist families and staff to navigate the school operations as well has highlight some of the wonderful teaching and learning programs that our students participate in. I hope you enjoy reading our fortnightly newsletter.
When we implement inclusive practices, students feel welcomed, supported, valued and will also empower parent/carer voice and collaboration. To implement our School Strategic Plan and 2025 School Theme, we have two Assistant Principals that lead this work, Daniel Moloney (Wellbeing and Engagement) and Ellen Paterson (Teaching and Learning).
Congratulations to Stephanie and Adam Torchia.
Welcome to Ilaria Mary Torchia born on 16 January 2025. Steph and Adam are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of Ilaria. They are now at home and settling in to a new routine. From what Steph has reported, Ilaria has a very good set of lungs and knows when to use them when she is hungry or uncomfortable. We cant wait for Ilaria to visit so we can have a hug.
Staffing Updates
- Assistant Principal - Ellen Paterson
- Leading Teacher [MSSL] - Amelia Frantz
- Learning Specialists - Leona Goodwin, Angela McDonnell
- Classroom Teachers - Pauline Gomez, Chris Laing, Zhienna Mansfield, Samantha Patajac, Evelyn Politis, Sean Procko & Fiona Yu
- Music Teacher - Darren Conaghty
- Finance Manager - Keng Wong [KK]
- Inclusion Outreach Coach - Angeline Chen
- Social Worker - Jennifer Bals
- Teacher Aides - Sazia Huq, Moeez Munir, Shelita Ram & Olivia Ianni
Staff vacancies
Whilst our selection panels have been working hard to recruit, we have some vacancies that the department will continue to assist us with. We hope to have some success in the coming weeks but the school has been actively securing some of our usual casual staff so all classes have staff for the start of the school year.
- Classroom Teachers (2 x 0.4 & 1 x 1.0)
- 1 x Sub School Leader
- 1 x Learning Specialist
- 1 x Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader
- 1 x 0.4 HOL Build
- 1 x Occupational Therapist
Communication with staff
Jacana School for Autism understands the importance of providing helpful and timely responses to common enquiries from parents and carers. To ensure that members of our school community are directed to the most appropriate person to assist them, the information below outlines key contacts for common queries:
To report a student absence, please contact the Absence Line on 0439 114 197
To report any urgent issues relating to a student on a particular day, please contact the general office on 9309 6258
To discuss a student’s academic progress, health or wellbeing, please contact your child’s classroom teacher/ sub school leader.
Primary Sub School Leader: Michelle Davies |
Middle Years Sub School Leader: Amelia Frantz |
Secondary Sub School Leader: Stefania Mantinioti |
To discuss dual enrolments or transfers to other educational settings, please contact Irene Gacovski:
For enquiries regarding camps and excursions, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.
To make a complaint, please contact the Principal/Assistant Principals on 9309 6258.
Principal: Corinne Pupillo |
Assistant Principal [Inclusion and Wellbeing] : Daniel Moloney |
Assistant Principal [Teaching and Learning]: Ellen Paterson |
Privacy reminder for our school community
Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.
Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy, describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn.
We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education] safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education, please contact the school.
For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Dari
- Gujarati
- Mandarin
- Somali
- Sudanese
- Turkish
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
Personal Property Policy
The beginning of a school year is a timely reminder about our personal property policy. Jacana School for Autism understands that staff and/or students may sometimes like to bring items of personal property to school.
The Department of Education and Training does not have insurance for personal property of staff, students and visitors. Jacana School for Autism does not take responsibility for items of personal property that are lost, stolen or damaged at school or during school activities. Damage to personal property brought to school is the responsibility of the owner of that property.
Jacana School for Autism encourages staff and students not to bring items of value to school, or to obtain appropriate insurance for such items.
If students bring items of value to school, they will be confiscated and stored securely at the School Office until the end of the day, when the items may be collected by the student and/or parent.
Notice of School Council Elections
Please refer to the School Community News Page for details.
The first School Council meeting for 2025 is Thursday 20 February at 5.30 pm.
School Council
The next School Council Meeting is scheduled for Thursday 20 February 2025
Corinne Pupillo | Executive Officer (Principal) / |
Lisa Sette | Community Representative & President / |
VACANCY | Community Representative |
Paul Malavisi | Parent Representative |
Mark Mansfield | Parent Representative |
Chris Ernst | Parent Representative |
Michelle Owen | Parent Representative |
Andrew McDonough | Parent Representative |
Jay Murali | Parent Representative |
Stephanie Torchia | DE Representative |
Daniel Moloney | DE Representative |
School Council Sub-Committee Representatives
Finance Sub Committee Representative - Mark Mansfield
School Infrastructure Sub Committee Representative – Dr Denise Clarke
Fundraising Sub Committee Representative – Kristen Ballerini
Unwell students
If your child is presenting with cold and flu like symptoms we kindly ask families to keep your child at home if they are experiencing symptoms. In the event that your child tests positive on a RAT for COVID, we strongly recommend a 5 day period of recovery in this case.
Each morning when students are getting ready for school, I ask that you be mindful of how your child is presenting. If they/he/she is feeling/looking/acting unusual or is complaining of being unwell please take them to the doctor. Minimising the cross-infection will assist in reducing the risk of spreading bugs and viruses.
All student absences can be made through the dedicated student absence notification number. Text the student's name, room number and reason for absence.
Make sure you have the student absence notification number saved in your contacts:
Student absence line: 0439 114 197
Reminder: Our newsletter is published each fortnight and will provide you with important information about the school and events that may be of interest to you. I encourage you to read the newsletter that will be sent home via your home email, on the school's Facebook and Instagram Page, Seesaw or on the school's website.
JSA also has a Facebook and Instagram Page. Please like and follow our pages.