Greetings from Shaun

Introducing our new Social Media Platform

Exciting news, the NPS facebook page is here! 

This will be the schools official Facebook page and is designed to be a positive public point for the school and community. 


We will use this as a tool to share information and updates about learning and the school and community, share students' work and school successes, so stay tuned. Please note that Compass will continue to be our main source of information, so please continue to check regularly. 

Landscaping Update

During the Term 3 school holidays, a surveyor conducted an audit of the areas within the initial stage of our school's landscaping project. The surveyor has now delivered the report to the Landscape Architect. Additionally, we have completed our annual tree audit, which is indeed a real thing. We have also sent the Landscape Architect this report as well to support their planning work. 


On Monday, October 16th, Jo Pitt, our school council President, and I met with the Landscape Architect to discuss our project requirements and to complete an inspection of the site and give them a sense of how the space is currently being used and what our future plans are. 


Now that the Landscape Architect has the survey report, they will commence the conceptual design work. I anticipate that the conceptual design will be completed in the coming weeks. Once we have that information, it will be submitted to the VSBA, enabling us to initiate the tender process. Although there has been a slight delay, I am still hopeful for an early 2024 commencement date. 


If you'd like to learn more about the scope of the works, please don't hesitate to ask me in the yard in the morning or after school when you see me.


Fundraising and Events

Voice Referendum and Democracy Sausage Sizzle

A huge thank you to our  School Council members and parent volunteers who ran the democracy sausage sizzle. The $1500 raised will go towards a new mural on the PE storage shed. It was a very enjoyable day and a  successful event (with the exception of the voting outcome!)  


We are currently trying to source a Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung artist to complete the mural.


Trivia Night 

What a fun filled, fabulous event for the Northcote Primary School community. Welcome to Thornbury was absolutely buzzing last night, with a VERY exclusive performance from Northcote's very own Parent Band, The Nits. #justiceforthenits


A special thanks to Matthew McIntosh from Jellis Craig who was our master of ceremonies and to Craig for his great work as Trivia Master. A very heartfelt thank-you to Kate Creighton-Selvay and the Community Sub-committee for their work both behind the scenes and on the night.


Happy snaps from the night are only a click away- visit Trivia Night- Success!


Mango Fundraiser

Thank you to all those who have supported our mango fundraiser, we will be in touch with a delivery date as soon as they are ripe and juicy. 


Tea Towel Fundraiser

As you may know the Tea Towel fundraiser has now gone live. We have received some feedback regarding some technical issues ordering our tea towel works of art. Sorry!


Go to Canteen, 'place order' and please be sure to set the order date to the '2nd November', the 'tea towel' event will appear. If you are still having trouble and you require any further help please don't hesitate to call in to the office and Donna or Sarah will be able to help you out. 

Dante Alighieri

I am very proud of all our students who participated in the Dante Alighieri Italian poster competition, there was much enthusiasm throughout all year levels and much encouragement from Rosa who set the benchmark of expectations quite high and all participants rose to the occasion. The results reflected all the effort  of our student.

Congratulations to Coco in Prep who received 3rd Place.

Stella (year 5) and Lola (year 5) tied for 1st Place!

Middle Eastern Conflict 

The ongoing conflict in the Middle East continues to cause distress for staff, students, families and carers, especially those who have family and friends in the region. 


Our school is a rich and diverse community and acknowledging that it is vital that our students, staff and families all feel safe and included in everything we do.


I want to assure you that the department is monitoring the situation from a school security perspective.


If your child is impacted and/or distressed by the current conflict, you may find some aspects of this resource helpful: 

Support is also available through external services including:

Above all else, I would urge everyone, please, to treat all members of the school and community with kindness, care and respect at this very difficult time. 


Please feel free to get in contact me if you would like to discuss this further.


Take Care,

