What's happening in the 5/6 Area in Term 4?

5/6 Term 4 Overview for newsletter


In Literacy this term, 5/6 students will continue to develop their skills in the comprehension of both fiction and non-fiction texts. They will learn essential skills such as inferring meaning and ‘reading between the lines’. They will make connections between what they read and their own lives, and other texts, and use critical analysis to form judgements. We will also focus on reading aloud with clarity, expression and fluency. Building on the success of students presenting their own speeches to the class, we aim to develop students to be confident, fluent readers.

Students will further develop their skills in writing efficient narrative texts, poetry and explanation texts. They will create and analyse poetry, looking at a variety of poetic styles, including limericks, raps and haikus. We are using the Seven Steps to Writing Success to guide the narrative writing process, particularly focusing on broadening vocabulary and writing succinct, expressive stories that have conclusions. 

We have a weekly spelling and grammar focus. Spelling words all contain the same visual, sound or meaning pattern. These will include ‘silent letter’ digraphs letters (such as 'gh' and 'gu'), schwas, and using different types of verbs.



In Maths, students will apply their skills in calculating using the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to topics including percentages, money and decimals. This will include working within budgets, determining good shopping deals, and handling money efficiently. We will continue to build upon the concepts already learnt in previous terms to engage and empower the students. This term, we will also develop students' skills in measuring time, including elapsed time, 24-hour time, and interpreting timetables and calendars. In mixed ability groups, students will become more proficient with data. They will collect data, analyse it, and present it in appropriate formats, including digitally. In each area of Maths, students create a glossary of relevant maths terminology which assists them to speak in a common, technical language. At every opportunity, Maths skills are linked to real life, practical situations to emphasise the importance of learning these skills.



In Science, students will experiment and learn about Physical Science (electricity, circuits, light, energy) and Earth & Space Science (planets, orbits, rotations and other phenomena).


In Social Emotional Learning (SEL), the focus is on positive gender relations. Students will learn how to establish, and continue, healthy relationships in society, based on respect. To support this, students will participate in our new Sexual Health program, Talking The Talk, to develop crucial knowledge about making informed decisions around sexuality, consent and respectful relationships (please see the Talking The Talk website for more information and tips about how you can support your child at home).


In 5/6 Sport, there is no interschool competition this term, except for this week’s Division Tennis and Softball. Instead, students will able to participate in a range of different sports to begin with. Student preference will determine the sports they can ‘try out’ again. The idea is they can consolidate their skills in a sport they have enjoyed throughout the year.