Classroom News
Welcome back to all of our amazing Preps! We hope that the holidays were restful and we are ready for another big term of learning and fun.
In Maths this week we have started our Measurement topic and have been looking at terms such as tall, short, big, small and completing some fun measurement activities!
In Writing we have been working on recounts and we saw some amazing writing about what the Preps did on the holidays. The topic we will be moving into next is persuasive writing!
We still have a few Preps that have not yet brought their hats. Now that the sun is shining it is really important that we have our NAMED hats to protect us from the sun!
We are really looking forward to the Term ahead and seeing how much growth is shown before the end of the year!
Gemma Blake
Dani Conheady
I can't believe it is Term 4 already.
With the UV levels starting to heighten and the weather warming up it's important that all students have their hats. We also encourage students to drink plenty of water as the weather starts to heat up.
This Term we are learning about Emergency Services and who to call in an emergency situation. It would be helpful for our unit of work and a life skill for your child to know your basic contact details e.g. your mobile number and home address.
For our writing this week it has been fantastic to hear about all the fun activities that were done over the break and we look forward to reading about them in our holiday recounts. In Grade 2, students are beginning to know the structures of a procedural text.
The Grade 2 Sleepover will be happening on Thursday of Week 3. Students are looking forward to a picnic in Memorial Square from their lunch box with some hot chippies, 10 pin bowling and a movie before bed. Students will have breakfast after they wake up to prepare them for a massive Mission Day. The Grade Prep-1 Fun Night date is set for Monday of week 7. Keep your eyes peeled on Dojo for more information.
Kascha Popping
Leah Martin
Miriam Collins
Matt Absalom
Emma Roberts
Kerryn Williams
Welcome back to Term 4.
We hope that everyone had the opportunity to rest and enjoy some family time over the holidays. This term is always a busy time of year with many special activities throughout. We are excited to begin swimming lessons on Thursday 19th of October. Please complete PAM consent asap.
Students are reflecting on their holidays by writing a newspaper report about an event from their holidays. We have experimented with writing attention-grabbing headlines for our article and today we wrote our report during our Big Write. It was great to see the students being creative with their recounts.
Our first Maths topic this term is fractions. In Year 3, we have been revising our knowledge of fractions and learning to model and represent unit fractions as part of a whole and on a number line. Our Year 4 students have been revising fractions and will begin to look at equivalent fractions.
We have been lucky enough to have Kate Ligerwood working in the 3/4 area this week. Kate has lived in Africa, so has brought a lot of experience and knowledge to our new learning about Africa in Inquiry. The children have enjoyed hearing about her time in Africa, and watching her videos and photos.
Excitement is growing as we prepare to organise our stalls for Mission Day on Friday 20th October. Our Year 3 and 4 students will be working in groups to organise and run stalls on this day.
A reminder that the PE timetable has reverted back to the original times.
The Year 4 classes, and 3ER are all on Wednesday morning. 3DH/LR are Thursday morning.
The Year 4 students require a shoe box for DDT this term, please send one along to school if you are able to.
Elissa Rodger
Deb Holland
Lauren Ryan
Meg Knight
Judy Carr
Jodie Hassett
Welcome back to another busy term! Hopefully everyone had a restful break and are back better than ever for a term of good times.
In Year 5 students have begun their unit on Storm Boy by viewing the first part of the film, and are focusing on reviewing their Grammar understandings. Year 6 have continued their work on The Lost Thing; This week they looked at features of the text, initially focusing on images. Year 6 is also focusing on writing recounts, this week we have looked at the features of a recount with a focus on tense and perspective.
In Numeracy the Year 5 students are focusing on Time, focusing on 24 hour time. Year 6s are reviewing their Place Value understanding focusing on decimals.
We have a lot of sporting opportunities coming up with cricket, golf and basketball competitions. Good luck to the athletes going to Ballarat tomorrow for Greater Western Regional Athletics. Swimming will start Thursday of Week 3 this term. Times will be confirmed via DOJO.
The Year 5 team welcome Anna Hinkley into the classroom on Thursdays and Fridays this term and the Grade 6 Team welcome our new student Yvonne to Grade 6 Dan/Susie.
Year 6 camp is next week. Students will be meeting at Colac Train Station at 7am. Keep your eye out for other communications that will come via PAM and Class DOJO.
Rachel Downard
Paula Parish
Jade LoRicco
Dan Cannon
Susie Scott
Maegen Potter