Student Awards

Congratulations to all of our hard working students!

Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 15.9.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Ariana M 


Miss Belanti

For your active engagement, insightful contributions, and sharing meaningful connections during class discussions. Well done Ariana!
Mardow K


Miss Santilla

For being an amazing learner! You are always listening and always trying your best. Well done Mardow! 
Resirae T


Miss Accaputo

For always contributing to class discussions as you share your personal reflections and understandings with great awareness of the world around you.
Kai S


Mrs John

For persisting with strategies that help you manage your emotions while you are in the yellow zone and the blue zone. So proud of you, Kai!
Maia P


Miss Mihocic

For her amazing biography of a parishioner from our local community. Including paragraphs and her writer’s voice made it so enjoyable to read! 
Tommy S


Mrs Tasevski

For working hard towards achieving his writing goal and improving his writing stamina.  So incredibly proud!
Eric K


Miss Dicello

For thinking flexibly by using various strategies to solve maths equations and justifying your responses when asked. Keep it up!
Erik P


Miss Ravanello

For confidently sharing your thoughts with the class and working collaboratively with your peers! Keep it up Erik! 
Kristina z


Miss Macri

For always being a wonderful friend to those around her. You always assist them when they are in need.
Luca A


Mrs Peel

For "Never seeing a need without doing something about it", always helping and supporting his class.
Joshua B


Mrs Carey

For demonstrating the Habit of Mind 'Think Interdependently' when working in groups and learning from others.
Peyton Z.


Mrs McNamara

For showing persistence in your learning, trying your absolute best and always having a positive mindset. Keep up the great work Peyton!
Justin B


Miss Kelly

For Working Interdependently, Striving for Accuracy and supporting others to thrive in Maths and Reading, especially in our Origami task! Keep up the fantastic work Justin!
Sam A


Miss Lee

For using the HOM ‘Persisting’ throughout our learning and asking great questions  in the last week of term 3. Well done!

Fernando A 



Poppy C (PA)


Mr P - Years 3-6

Mrs Dalton- Yr Prep-2 

For always persisting and trying his best at Physical Education Lessons. Well done Fernando and keep up the great work. 


For working really hard in PE to listen, follow instructions and stay on task.  Well done!

Amelia E (5B)


Mr Steve

For being proactive and creative during our Music Video recording session!
Kristian W (5B)


Mrs Symeoy


For always being happy to expand his skill set in STEM and to share these with his peers and the school community. Thank you! 
Georgi G (4B)


Mrs Garro

Great use of imagination in art.


Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 6.10.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Chloe P


Miss Belanti

For your exceptional focus on learning, outstanding writing skills, and creativity in your written work. Well done Chloe!
Dasha F


Miss Santilla

For always bringing positivity and energy to our learning environment with amazing contributions to our class discussions. Well done Dasha! 
Gabriel S


Miss Accaputo

For all your effort in completing your homework as you show your willingness to learn. Keep up the great work!
Alexia M


Mrs John

For showing persistence in her reading by using word solving strategies and asking herself, “Does that make sense” to check her reading. Well done Alexia!
Taaj S


Miss Mihocic

For trying his hardest to stay focused on tasks and complete the success criteria using the Habit of Mind of Persistence. 
Mia M


Mrs Tasevski

For always Striving for Accuracy in all that she does.  Her attitude to learning and her kind and helpful nature serves as a role model to all.  Keep it up!
Luca C


Miss Dicello

For entering Term 4 super focused and driven to achieve success in all of your learning areas. Amazing work Luca!
Sebastian A


Miss Ravanello

For continuing to show determination in your learning and working well both independently and cooperatively. Well done for being a great role model Seb! 
Miranda S


Miss Macri

For making an amazing effort with putting up her hand in class to share her thoughts and ideas! Well Done Miranda.
Sienna M.


Mrs Peel

For trying hard and applying herself to working on Fractions by achieving pleasing results and making improvements. Great work and effort Sienna! Well done!
Isaac S


Mrs Carey

For making great efforts in Mathematics, using the Habit of Mind 'Striving for Accuracy'. Great work Isaac!
Julia M


Mrs McNamara

For returning to school with a determination to complete your learning to a high standard. Well done for showing the HOM ‘Persistence’ toward your learning. Keep up the great work!
Mya K


Miss Kelly

For showing kindness, determination and consideration when working to complete your Cartesian Plane Artwork in Maths. Well done for stepping into the Learning Pit Mya!
Eliana S


Miss Lee

For always working hard in class and showing HOM ‘Striving for Accuracy’. Great Job!

Melania C (4B)


Michael M (1A)


Mr P - Years 3-6

Mrs Dalton- Yr Prep-2 

For always having a wonderful attitude to her learning in PE and performing to the best of her ability! Well done Melania! 


For working really hard in PE to listen, follow instructions and stay on task.  Well done!

Sienna Z


Mr Steve

For being an excellent classmate and supporting those around you. Well done!
Alessandro P (Prep B)


Mrs Zaffina

For always trying his very best in Italian and being positive at all times! Bravissimo!
Oakley (5A)


Mrs Symeoy


For showing enthusiasm and actively participating in our whole class discussion, about what makes SOGS unique. It was amazing to hear your great ideas Oakley, keep up the great work! 
Levi M (2B)


Mrs Garro

Absolutely amazing modelling skills creating his clay bird.