Visual Arts 

Visual Arts 

Charlotte Dibben

(Marrung Lead)


Wominjeka! Bonjour! Hello!


Last week, Ms. Satilms, Leah and I attended the Auburn South Primary School NAIDOC Celebration assembly representing AHS and the Boroondara Reconciliation Network.

It was such a special welcoming ceremony.


Local Wurundjeri Elder, Uncle Shane Charles, shared a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony. Furthermore, this assembly was the perfect opportunity for Auburn South PS to welcome new indigenous members from the interstate into their community.

Smoking ceremonies can be used for a number of purposes including healing, spiritual renewal and strengthening, birth and Sorry business (one passing away).

Welcome to Country and Aknowldgments of Country is a meaningful way of showing awareness of, and respect for, the Traditional Custodians of the land upon which a meeting or event is to take place.


Not too long ago, in Australian schools, we sang the Australian Anthem in assemblies and in important ceremonies. I appreciate how we have grown as a country since then by now incorporating sharing an Acknowledgement of Country into our learning and community areas.


The Always Was, Always Will Be team performed the song Taba Naba, about a Torres Strait Islander going down to the reef. The young activists led this song with hand-gestural movements. It was heart-warming.


The Always Was, Always Will Be is a team of young allies and activists who facilitate indigenous activities, events and other cultural activities. At AHS, we are in the early stages of forming our student-led allyship team!

If you are interested in joining our action team, please message Saasha Folley or Ms Dibben.


Ngoon-godjin ( Merci, thank you)