Latest News

Changes to Timetable - Term 4
In Term 4 we will be trialing a new structure to the school day, adjusting the break times so the lunch break is from 11:00am - 11:40am (excluding Wednesday) and then afternoon recess at 1:40pm - 2:00pm (excluding Wednesday).
Students will have the opportunity to play and run around from 11:00am to 11:30am and then will sit down to eat their lunch for 10 minutes before returning to class.
During the afternoon break, they will be able to eat a snack and have time to play and socialise with their peers.
We will provide further information in Term 4.
DISA & Secondary Carnival
On Friday 8th September Mukinbudin hosted the DISA Athletics Carnival. It was a warm but windy day and students from Kindy-Year 6 were all involved. Well done to everyone for participating and giving their best efforts. Congratulations to the individual award winners, and to Muka Gold for taking out the Meritorious Shield.
MDHS also held a Secondary Carnival on the previous afternoon, giving our Secondary students the opportunity to participate in track and field events and practice before the EASA Carnival being held in Cunderdin.
EASA Carnival
On Friday 15th September, MDHS selected students from Year 3-10 to participate at the EASA Athletics Carnival in Cunderdin. Congratulations to all the students who participated and a special mention to these individual award winners:
Justice Inkoom - Year 7/8 Champion Boy
Isabel Vernon - Year 9/10 Runner-Up Girl
Ellouise Rice - Runner-Up Year 7/8 Girl
Jennifer Westberg - Runner-Up Year 5/6 Girl
Thanks to Miss de Lacy and Mrs Ballantyne for organising the event and to Miss de Lacy and Mr Roberts for their supervision on the day.