
Religion - Rosary
Aid to the Church in Need is an international aid organisation that supports the Church in areas where there are challenges to practising the Catholic faith. This includes fighting for the right to practice the faith as well as more logistical challenges, such as providing transport for people in isolated areas to attend church. Every year they hold a special event where they aim for 1,000,000 children from around the world to join together to say the rosary in support of peace and unity for all. This year, we as a school, went over to the church and Mrs Green led us in the praying of the rosary. The children were all very reverent, despite having to kneel on a hard surface for a length of time, and many have taken a copy of how to pray the rosary home to share with their families. With events around the world, as they are at the moment, there has never been a more appropriate time to pray for peace and unity.