From the Principal's Desk

It is hard to believe that we are already in the final term of the year. Time has certainly flown by! This is a busy time of year for students and staff alike, as we prepare for the end of the school year and all that it entails.
This Saturday we have the annual All Saints’ Debutante ball. It has been a transition year from the old guard to the new. I would like to thank everyone who has helped make the Deb possible, including the Deb Ball committee and all the volunteers who help out year after year. The Deb would not be possible without all of your sacrifices and efforts.
I would also like to thank Mrs. Middleton for organising our participation in the worldwide day of praying the rosary on Thursday. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to come together in prayer and reflection, and to show their solidarity with Catholics around the world.
Our end-of-year presentation will be held during the day this year on December 5th. This will be a chance for our students to showcase their talents and achievements from the past year. I encourage all parents and guardians to attend this event, as it is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the successes of our students.
On the horizon, we have the Ballarat excursion for our 4/5/6 students, Kindergarten transition, high school transitions and many other extracurricular events.
I wish everyone a successful and enjoyable Term 4!
God bless,
Daniel Francis