Specialists Wonga Weekly

Week 1, Term 4

Physical Education


Prep PE

This week, we will begin to focus on the side arm strike. Students will be encouraged to closely watch the ball with their eyes and strike the ball with the palm of their hand.  


Prep Sensory

In this week’s Sensory Gym sessions, students will enjoy a selection of activities and exercises designed to improve their balance, core strength and hand-eye coordination.


Grade 1 and 2

This week, we will focus on the side arm strike. Students will be encouraged to closely watch the ball when striking with their hand or a racquet. They will practice striking a stationary and moving ball.


Grade 3 and 4

We will begin to focus on the sport of Tennis. Students will be introduced to some key skills of the game, including the forehand strike and serving.


Grade 5 and 6

We will begin to focus on the sport of Tennis. Students will be introduced to some key skills of the game, including the forehand strike and serving. They will be encouraged to move with small steps in response to the direction of the incoming ball.

Performing Arts


Students will continue to learn their lines and singing items for their upcoming concert 'Sky Colour'. 


Grade 1 and 2

Students will focus on practicing fundamental dance skills including travelling and non travelling movements using different levels and continue to build their knowledge of Safe Dance practices. 


Grade 3 and 4

Students will engage in a mini lesson focused on musical theory and reading music learning basic notes and musical symbols. During small group activities students will be viewing and responding to Spanish music, learning the open chords on the ukulele and practicing their musical theory knowledge. 


Grade 5 and 6

Students will be exploring musical notes and symbols. During their rotation activities students will revise the open chords on a ukulele and practice playing different notes. 

Science (Maker Space)

Maker Space has been paused for Term 4 to enable our school to delve deeper into Science.

Grade 1 and 2  

We are learning about the Scientific Process through an experiment that investigates whether the size and shape of an object impacts how well it can roll. 


Grade 3 and 4  

The Earth’s surface changes over time. We are investigating how natural processes as well as human behaviour impacts erosion. Following the Scientific Process, we will conduct an experiment to figure out what elements can help reduce erosion. 


Grade 5 and 6  

We have learnt about how vast our Universe is – we are now focusing on learning more about our Solar System. Students are choosing a planet to investigate more deeply and will present their research back to the class.  




Prep students will begin to explore the signs for the letters of the alphabet. They will participate in various games to help develop this knowledge.


Grade 1 and 2

Grade 1 and 2 students will review their knowledge of the signs for the letters of the alphabet and begin to the develop their skill in signing and reading finger spelling. 


Grade 3 and 4

Grade 3 and 4 students are revising their knowledge of number signs in Auslan. They will play various guessing games to help consolidate their understanding of numbers between 1 and 1000. 


Grade 5 and 6

Grade 5 and 6 students will review their knowledge of number signs from1 to 10,000. They will practice signing these numbers and participate in number games to support their learning.


Visual Arts


Students are working on art pieces that will be used in the Prep Concert ' Sky Colour', including ink painting and collaging in sunset colours.


Grade 1 and 2

This week students are covering their constructed 'Bev' giraffe (from the book Bev and Kev) with 'mod roc' to make it hard and ready for painting next week. 


Grade 3 and 4

Students are looking at analogous colours (colours that sit side by side on the colour wheel). They have revised primary, secondary and tertiary colours and are beginning their learning snapshot project - creating an analogous coloured zebra.


Grade 5 

Students are continuing to work on their ‘Buddy Bear’, blanket stitching around the edges and putting stuffing inside to bring them to life!


Grade 6

Students have designed their Grade 6 clay tile and this week will begin to create it out of clay. They have to include their name, year level finishing at WPPS and any elements that represent their personality and character.